Boolean Resume Search API


Monster's Boolean Resume Search service is accessible via a REST interface. The search results are returned as an XML document. The URL handles requests to the boolean resume search service.

Parameter Licenses

If a search term is suffixed with an asterisk (*) then it requires an access license.


Input Parameters

Parameter Format

All input parameters should be sent using HTTP GET. Care should be taken to URL-encode all parameters correctly. Malformed parameters will be misinterpreted and may give rise to unexpected results or an error For example:

0xA0002000 – Invalid Input Parameter error

Parameters listed as “multi-valued” accept multiple values and may be internally delimited as follows (subject to URL encoding):

Delimiter Meaning
<space> Restrict the search to resumes containing one or more of the supplied values
+ Restrict the search to jobs containing one or more of the supplied values
. Restrict the search to resumes containing all of the supplied values.

  • Parameter List (Click to expand Table)

Required Parameters

Version number (ver)
The ver parameter is required for RSX and specifies the version of the Monster Resume Search service that you are accessing. The following are the valid versions:

Value Description
1.7 Current version.


The following is an example call to access version 1.7 of resume search :…

If the version is excluded the following error XML will be returned:
(Click to Expand XML Code)

The cat parameter which is required for RSX should be populated with the CAT received from Monster. For example:

http/[your cat]

Your CAT is case-sensitive and should be supplied in its entirety. It is valid only under the terms and conditions of your contract with Monster. Restrictions may include, but are not limited to, IP address, date range and access to specific search functionality.


Optional Parameters

q (Keyword query)
The q parameter restricts the search to resumes containing the supplied list of keywords, ResumeValues or matching a given Boolean expression. If a Boolean expression is supplied, it will be used verbatim. Otherwise, a logical operator (either AND or OR) is inserted between keywords. The qb parameter (see below) controls whether AND or OR is used.

TIP: Use double-quotes (ASCII 22) to surround keyword phrases. A keyword phrase matches resumes only where the words appear in the same contiguous order in the resume.

and,or,not,near (Locale Specific Keyword Operator)
The keyword operator restricts the search results by applying it to the keyword search. Example:
q=java+and+php restricts the search results for documents contain only java and php keyword.
q=not(java+near+php) or not(java+~+php) restricts the search results for documents NOT contain the phrase "java XXXXXX php" , where XXXXXX is limited to 10 words.

qb (Keyword query behavior)
The qb parameter indicates how the keyword query (specified using the q parameter) should be interpreted:

Value Meaning
And AND the words or phrases in the keyword query (default)
Or OR the words or phrases in the keyword query
Bool Boolean query – do not insert operators between keywords

The default value for this parameter is and.

TIP: If your keyword query contains Boolean operators, the query is treated as a Boolean query regardless of the setting of this parameter.

qrjt (Recent job title)
The qrjt argument allows a recruiter to search for seekers based on the most recent job title. Several titles may be used in the search by submitting a comma-delimited list. For example:

qtjt (Target job title)
The qtjt argument allows a recruiter to search for seekers based on the target job title. Several titles may be used in the search by submitting a comma-delimited list. For example:

qajt (Recent job title or Target job title)
The qajt argument allows a recruiter to search for seekers based on the target job title or the most recent jobtitle. Several titles may be used in the search by submitting a comma-delimited list. For example:

qrcn (Recent company name)
The qrcn allows a recruiter to search for seekers based on the most recent company that they were employed with. Several company names may be used in the search by submitting a comma-delimited list. For example:

qrjd (Recent job description)
The qrjd allows a recruiter to search for seekers based on the most recent job description. . Several job descriptions may be used in the search by submitting a comma-delimited list. For example:

qsn (Recent school name)
The qsn allows a recruiter to search for seekers that have attended a specific school. . Several school names may be used in the search by submitting a comma-delimited list. For example:

sort (Sort by)
The sort parameter specifies the desired presentation order of the search results:

Value Meaning
Rank Keyword relevance
Mdate Modification / activation date of the resume
Cdate Creation date of the resume
Mdate Modification date of the resume
Distance Distance within radius in miles
Title Title of the resume
Mvf Service flag
Minv Military involvement

Several sorts may be used in the search by submitting a comma-delimited list. For example:

The default sort order is mdate. If rank is specified, an additional Relevance element is output in each Resume node. This element is a floating-point value between 0 and 1, and indicates how well the resume matches the keyword query.

TIP: Relevance values cannot be meaningfully compared between successive queries, or between relevance values calculated from other sources.

col (Columns)
The col parameter indicates which sections to include in the result output. The following sections are currently available:

Column Name Meaning
PersonalData Personal information for resume owner
Target Desired job characteristics
WorkExperiences Work experience history
Educations Education history
WorkAuths Work authorization information
Boards Resume Board information
None Do not return any columns – only count information

The default behavior is to include all columns and sections in the result output. The special column value of "None" causes no resumes to be returned – in this case, only count information is returned.

TIP: For most efficient searching, specify only the sections you intend to use.

page (Page number)
The page parameter indicates which page of results to return. The default is 1, which will return the first page of results.

pagesize (Size of result pages)
The pagesize parameter indicates the maximum number of results to return per query. The default is 20, which will return 20 records at a time. Increasing this too much will lead to timeouts. It is recommended that 100 be the maximum used for efficiency and preventing timeouts. 

maxfound (Maximum number of results found)
The maxfound parameter indicates the maximum number of results found. The default is 1000. If pagesize is greater than the “maxfound” parameter, only “maxfound” results will be returned.

TIP: This is for OFCCP compliance.

folderid (Folder ID Number)
The folderid parameter indicates the specific folder that a search belongs to. The folderid parameter is optional. TIP: This is for OFCCP compliance.

lcid (Locale ID)
The lcid parameter specifies which Locale to use for query processing. This primarily affects how Boolean operators are interpreted. The available query locales and corresponding localized Boolean operators are given in Appendix D. This parameter defaults to 1033 (US English).

TIP: Regardless of the setting of this parameter, you can always use the US-English Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) and the locale-neutral Boolean symbols “&” (AND), “|” or “,” (OR) and “!” (NOT).

lchid (Channel ID)
The lchid parameter will set the localization on the query processing. This primarily affects how Boolean operators are interpreted.

For example: lchid=419. Channel ID for German. So 'und' is converted to a logical AND ("&") and 'oder' is a logical OR ("|").

mdatemaxage (Modified date maximum age)
The mdatemaxage parameter restricts the search to resumes that have been modified or reactivated within the specified number of minutes.

TIP: Use 1440 for one day, 10080 for one week, 525600 for one year etc.

mdateminage (Resume updated minimum age)
The mdateminage parameter restricts the search to resumes that have been modified or reactivated from the specified minimum number of minutes since resume was updated.

For example: mdateminage=1440

TIP: Use 1440 for one day, 10080 for one week, 525600 for one year etc.

rv (ResumeValue)
The rv parameter is a multi-valued parameter that restricts the search to resumes with one or more of the supplied list of ResumeValues.

rb (Resume Board)
The rb parameter is a multi-valued parameter which restricts the search to resumes in the specified boards. The value(s) are IDs and may only be a subset of the resume boards to which the recruiter has access. If the rb parameter is absent, all resume boards to which the recruiter has access are searched.

For example: rb=1,6143

tjtp (Target Job Type Permanent)
The tjtp parameter, with a value of 1, restricts the search to resumes with owners who have expressed an interest in working in a Permanent position.

tjttc (Target Job Type Temp/Contract)
The tjttc parameter, with a value of 1, restricts the search to resumes with owners who have expressed an interest in working in a Temporary/Contract position.

tjtft (Target Job Type Full Time)
The tjttc parameter, with a value of 1, restricts the search to resumes with owners who have expressed an interest in working in a Full Time position.

tjtpt (Target Job Type Part Time)
The tjtpt parameter, with a value of 1, restricts the search to resumes with owners who have expressed an interest in working in a Part Time position.

tjti (Target Job Type Intern)
The tjti parameter, with a value of 1, restricts the search to resumes with owners who have expressed an interest in working in an Intern position.

tjtpd (Target Job Type Per Diem)
The tjtpd parameter, with a value of 1, restricts the search to resumes with owners who have expressed an interest in working in a position that offers a Per Diem.

tjts (Target Job Type Seasonal)
The tjts parameter, with a value of 1, restricts the search to resumes with owners who have expressed an interest in working in a Seasonal position.

edulv (Education level)
The edulv parameter is a multi-valued parameter that restricts the search to resumes that contain one or more (if delimited with <space> ) of the supplied list of education levels.
Possible values include:

Value Meaning
1 High School or equivalent
2 Certification
3 Vocational
4 Associate Degree
5 Bachelors Degree
6 Masters Degree
7 Doctorate
8 Professional
9 Some College Coursework Completed
10 Vocational – High School
11 Vocational – Degree

rlid (Residence Location)
The rlid parameter is a multi-valued parameter that restricts the search to resumes with owners who reside in one of the locations specified. Allowable values are given at the Monster Locations web site.

rpcr (Residence Postal Code Radius)
The rpcr parameter is a compound, multi-valued parameter that restricts the search to resumes with owners who reside within a certain radius of a specified zip code. The parameter should be specified as a zip code / radius (in miles) pair, separated by a hyphen, eg. rpcr=90210-20. Multiple values may be specified by delimiting the pairs with a space eg. rpcr=90210-20+01754-10+46202-100.

Note: Multiple values currently is not implemented in production version and we will make this happen on 2010.01 release.

co (Country)
The co parameter is used to allow the RPCR= parameter to identify which country the supplied postal code is for. The 2 letter ISO 3166-1 2 letter codes are used. For example: AU is for Australia, CA is for Canada, UK is used for the UK, and etc.

twlid (Target Work Location)
The twlid parameter restricts the search to resumes with owners who have expressed a desire to work in one or more or all of the locations specified. Allowable values are given at the Monster Locations web site.

twlb (Target Work Location Boolean)
The twlb parameter specifies how to interpret queries that contain both a Residence Location parameter (rpcr or rlid) and a Target Work Location parameter (twlid).

Value Meaning
0 Residence Location query is OR’d to Target Work Location
1 Residence Location query is AND’d to Target Work Location

If twlb is not specified, the default behavior is to OR the Residence and Target Work Location parameters together.

relo (Relocate)
The relo parameter has the following possible values and meanings:

Value Meaning
0 Show resumes where user is not willing to relocate for employment
1 Show resumes where user is willing to relocate for employment

twsite (Target Work Site)
The twsite parameter has the following possible values and meanings:

Value Meaning
1 Show resumes where user is willing to work on-site
2 Show resumes where user is willing to work off-site
3 Show resumes where user has indicated no work-site preference or has not specified a preference

wa (Work Authorization)
The wa parameter is a compound, multi-valued parameter that restricts the search to resumes containing one or more of the supplied list of work authorization statuses. This is a compound parameter with two components separated by a hyphen: CountryID (from Appendix B) and WorkStatusID (below). The possible values for WorkStatusID are as follows:

WorkStatus ID Meaning
1 Authorized to work for any employer
2 Authorized to work for current employer only
3 Require sponsorship

For example, the query wa=164-1+160-1 will query for resumes with owners who are authorized to work in the US or the UK for any employer.

tsalmin (Target Salary Minimum)
The tsalmin parameter restricts the search to resumes with desired minimum salary greater than or equal to the supplied value. If the seeker leaves their minimum salary blank, the salary value in their resume will be ignored by tsalmin.

tsalmax (Target Salary Maximum)
The tsalmax parameter restricts the search to resumes with desired minimum salary less than or equal to the supplied value. If the seeker leaves their minimum salary blank, the salary value in their resume will be ignored by tsalmax.

tsalcur (Target Salary Currency)
The tsalcur parameter restricts the search to resumes with desired salary in the currency supplied. The possible values are given in Appendix C.

tsaltyp (Target Salary Type)
The tsaltyp parameter restricts the search to resumes with desired salary of one or more of the supplied types. The possible values are as follows:

Value Meaning
1 Per year
2 Per hour
3 Per week
4 Per month

tnsalmin (Target Normalized Salary Minimum)
The tnsalmin parameter restricts the search to resumes with desired minimum normalized (annualized) salary greater than or equal to the supplied value. If the seeker leaves their minimum salary blank, the salary value in their resume will be ignored by tsalmin.

tnsalmax (Target Normalized Salary Maximum)
The tnsalmax parameter restricts the search to resumes with desired minimum salary less than or equal to the supplied value. If the seeker leaves their minimum salary blank, the salary value in their resume will be ignored by tsalmax. 

tsni (Target salary not included)
The tsni parameter is a flag that indicates whether resumes that do not specify a target salary should be included in the search results (0: Do not include resumes, 1: Include resumes). This is only applicable when the tnsalmin and or the tnsalmax parameters are used.

csc (Current Security Clearance) [Licensed] *
The optional csc parameter restricts the search to resumes with the desired current security clearance.

Value Meaning
0 No – Resumes must not have current security
1 Yes – Resumes must have current security clearance

If the csc parameter is not specified, resumes are not restricted by current security clearance.

This is available starting with version 1.2 and 1.3 (query must include either ver=1.2 or later).

edumjr (Education Major)
The edumjr parameter allows a user to restrict a query based on a seekers education major. One or more education majors may be specified and the resume must match one of the requested values.

mgrex (Managerial experience)
The mgrex argument restricts the query based on managerial experience.

Value Meaning
0 No – Does not have managerial experience.
1 Yes – Has managerial experience

rslang (resume language)
The rslang parameter restricts the search to only resumes that are composed in a certain language. Language is specified by the seeker when the resume is entered/uploaded to the site. One or more resume languages may be specified and the resume must match one of the requested values.

lang (language skills)
The lang parameter is an optional, multi-value argument that restricts a search to resumes that specify that they are skilled in a language. One or more languages may be specified and the resume must match one of the requested values.

lskill (language ID and skill level)
The lskill parameter is an optional, multi-value argument that restricts a search to resumes that specify one or more languages and associated proficiencies. The syntax is:


where lid = language Id and lid = proficiency Id

The allowable languages are in Appendix E. The allowable proficiency Ids are:

Proficiency Id Meaning
0 Unknown.
1 Basic – Familiar
2 Conversational - Limited
3 Conversational
4 Conversational – Advanced
5 Fluent - Wide Knowledge
6 Fluent - Full Knowledge

Example: the following specifies a seeker with Fluent (full knowledge) proficiency of the Chinese language and Basic (familiar) proficiency of the French language.


yrsexpid (Years experience Id)
The yrsexpid parameter is an optional, multi-value parameter that restricts the search to resumes with the specified years of experience. The valid values for this parameter are:

Value Meaning
1 Less than 1 Year
2 1+ to 2 Years
3 2+ to 5 Years
4 5+ to 7 Years
5 7+ to 10 Years
6 10+ to 15 Years
7 more than 15 Years

Example: the following specifies 5-10 years of experience:


projld (Project Leadership)
The projld argument restricts search to resumes that indicate project leadership experience. The following are the valid values for this parameter:

Value Meaning
0 No – Does not have project leadership experience.
1 Yes – Has project leadership experience

twindus (target work industry)
The twindus parameter restricts search results to resumes that indicate a desire for employment in a specific industry. One to N activity levels scores may be passed on the query string. These values will be numbers (0-N) and should be passed in a comma or space delimited format. For example:…&twindus=1,48.

  • twindus (Click to expand Table)
indus (Industry)
The Indus argument allows the searching of resumes that have experience in a particular industry. One or more industries may be specified and the resume must match one of the requested values.

sai (Activity Index) [Licensed] *
The sai parameter restricts search results to resumes that contain a particular activity index score. One to N activity levels scores may be passed on the query string. These values will be numbers (0-N) and should be passed in a comma or space delimited format.

tcc (target job category, target occupation)
The tcc parameter restricts search results to resumes that contain a particular job category or occupation. One to N values may be passed on the query string. These values will be numbers (0-N) and should be passed in a comma or space delimited format. For example:…&tcc=1,4

List of Target Job Category and Target Occupation available in Appendix G.

clv (Career Level)
The clv parameter restricts search results to resumes for seekers of a particular career level. One to N values may be passed on the query string. These values will be numbers (0-N) and should be passed in a comma or space delimited format. For example:…&clv=11,14

Value Meaning
10 Student (Undergraduate/Graduate)
11 Entry Level
12 Experienced (Non-Manager)
13 Manager (Manager/Supervisor of Staff)
14 Executive (SVP, VP, Department Head, etc)
15 Senior Executive (President, CFO, etc)
16 Student (High School)

gsc (Global Security Clearance)
The gsc parameter is a compound, multi-valued parameter that restricts the search to resumes containing one or more Security Clearance for authorized employers. This is a compound parameter with two components separated by a hyphen: CountryID (from Appendix B) and SecurityClearanceID (below). The possible values for SecurityClearanceID are as follows:

SecurityClearance ID Meaning
11 None
12 Active Confidential
13 Active Secret
14 Active Top Secret
15 Inactive Confidential
16 Inactive Secret
17 Inactive Top Secret

GlobalSecurityClearance search functionality requires an additional license. Please contact your Monster representative for more details.

gmi (Global Military Status)
The gmi parameter is a compound, multi-valued parameter that restricts the search to resumes containing one or more Military Status for authorized employers. This is a compound parameter with two components separated by a hyphen: CountryID (from Appendix B) and MilitaryInvolvementID (below).

EUMilitaryInvolvement ID Meaning
0 None
1 Unspecified
2 Active Duty
3 Retired Military
4 Veteran/Prior Service
5 Reservist (drilling)
6 National Guard
7 Inactive Reserve/Guard (not drilling)
8 Service Academy
9 In Military Preparation
10 Other Military Program
11 Government Employee
12 Defense Contractor
13 Considering Joining
14 Military Spouse
15 Spouse of a Veteran
16 Other Military Family Member

Global Military Status search functionality requires an additional license. Please contact your Monster representative for more details.


Query Results

Query results are returned as an XML document defined by the schema located at Example results are given in Appendix F.

This section covers various details, changes and new elements that might not be apparent in the XML schema.

Change to XML encoding
The XML encoding will now be UTF-8. The following will now be the first line of the return XML: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

Appendix F illustrates sample XML with the encoding specified in the XML.

Search Status
Indicates the status of the query. This value is returned as part of the Resumes element. For example: <Resumes Found="1000" Returned="20" Status="0">

Current Security Clearances [Licensed] *
Current security clearance and the active clearance flag are returned in the PersonalData section of the XML if the caller is licensed for this information.

Security Clearance Active Clearance Name
1 0 None
2 0 Unknown Category
3 1 Active Confidential
4 1 Active Secret
5 1 Active Top Secret
6 1 Active Top Secret/SCI
7 0 Inactive Confidential
8 0 Inactive Secret
9 0 Inactive Top Secret
10 0 Inactive Top Secret/SCI

(Click to Expand XML Code)  

Example Queries

This section contains example query URLs (without the required cat parameter) that may be submitted to the Monster Resume Search Service.

Query Example #1 – Basic Keyword and Residence Radius filtering

Returns resumes containing the word “film” and the word “actor” where the resume owner lives within 20 miles of zip code 90210.

Query Example #2 – Date filtering ver=1.7&mdatemaxage=1440

Returns resumes containing the phrase “auto mechanic” posted or modified within the last day (1440 minutes).

Query Example #3 – Residence Location filtering ver=1.7&rlid=452+683+642+366+590

Returns resumes containing all the words “sql”, “ado” and “vb” where the resume owner lives in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut or Rhode Island.

Query Example #4 – Advanced Residence Location filtering ver=1.7&rlid=590&rpcr=02760-10

Returns resumes containing the phrase “unix system administrator” where the resume owner lives either within 10 miles of zip code 02760 or lives in Rhode Island.

Query Example #5 – Target Location filtering ver=1.7&twlid=342+336&twlb=1

Returns resumes containing the word “java” where the resume owner lives within 20 miles of zip code 01754 (rpcr=01754-20) and has expressed a desire to relocate to California (twlid=342) or Arizona (twlid=336). We use twlb=1 here to logically AND the residence and target location parameters.

Query Example #6 – Target Job Type filtering ver=1.7&tjtpt=1&tjttc=1

Returns resumes containing the word “cook” or “chef” where the resume owner has expressed an interest in working part time (tjtpt=1) or temporary/contract (tjttc=1).

Query Example #7 – Education filtering ver=1.7&edulv=6+7

Returns resumes containing the phrase “Director of Sales” where the resume owner has a Doctorate (edulv=7) or a Master’s (edulv=6) degree.

Query Example #8 – Work Authorization filtering ver=1.7&rlid=316wa=160-1

Returns resumes containing the phrase “marketing guru” where the resume owner lives in the US (rlid=31) and is authorized to work for any employer in the UK (wa=160-1).

Query Example #9 – Global Security Clearance filtering Multi+Experienced+Associate& ver=1.7&gsc=54-11

Returns resumes containing the phrase “Multi Experienced Associate” with the Security Clearance for those authorized employers in the EU-French ( gsc=54-11 ).

Query Example #10 – Global Military Status filtering Multi+Experienced+Associate& ver=1.7&gmi=54-12

Returns resumes containing the phrase “Multi Experienced Associate” with the Military Status for those authorized employers in the EU-French ( gmi=54-12 ).


Appendix A – Monster Location ID List

This table has been replaced by an online web site that is kept current with location changes. The allowable values are now available at the Monster Locations web site.


Appendix B – Monster Country ID List

  • Appendix B – Monster Country ID List (Click to expand Table)


Appendix C – Monster Currency ID List

  • Appendix C – Monster Currency ID List (Click to expand Table)

Appendix D – Monster Query Locale ID List

  • Appendix D – Monster Query Locale ID List (Click to expand Table)

Appendix E – Monster Language Ids

  • Appendix E – Monster Language Ids (Click to expand Table)

Appendix F – Query Results Schema

The query results schema is located here:

Appendix G – Target Job Category, Target Occupation

  • Appendix G – Target Job Category, Target Occupation (Click to expand Table)