JSX Specification


Technical Overview

Monster Job Search is available via a simple HTTP interface. Query parameters are sent via a single HTTP GET or POST query and search results, errors and diagnostic information are returned as an XML document. The URL https://jsx.monster.com/query.ashx handles all query requests to the job indexes. Note that this URL has changed from previous versions.

Input Parameters

Parameter Format

All input parameters should be sent using HTTP GET or POST. Care should be taken to URL-encode all parameters correctly. Malformed parameters will either be incorrectly interpreted and or give rise to unexpected results, or a 0xA0002000 – Invalid Input Parameter error will be returned.

Parameters listed as "multi-valued" accept multiple values and may be internally delimited as follows (subject to URL encoding):
Delimiter Meaning
& Restrict the search to jobs containing all of the supplied values. For example: lid=452&lid=453
<space></span> Restrict the search to jobs containing one or more of the supplied values. For example: lid=452+453
, Restrict the search to jobs containing one or more of the supplied values. For example: lid=452%2c453

rev (version) - Required Parameter

The rev parameter is a number specifying the version of the input parameters you are supplying to the Monster Job Search Service and the version of the output schema expected. This affects how input parameters are interpreted by the service. Allowable values are:

Value Description
2.0 version 2.0
This is a required parameter.

cat (Company Access Ticket) - Required Parameter

The cat parameter should be populated with the Company Access Ticket received from Monster. Your Company Access Ticket (CAT) is case-sensitive and should be supplied in its entirety. It is valid only under the terms and conditions of your contract with Monster. Restrictions may include, but are not limited to, IP address, date range and access to specific search functionality.

q (Keyword query)

The q parameter restricts the search to jobs containing the supplied list of keywords, or matching a given Boolean expression. If a Boolean expression is supplied, it will be used verbatim. Otherwise, a logical operator (either AND or OR) is inserted between keywords. The qb parameter (see below) controls whether AND or OR is used.

Beside the whole document keyword searching , we can use q parameter restricts the search to job title only.For example: q=jt:(java or php) and j2me, will perform the search in job title with' java' OR 'php' keyword AND j2me keyword searching.

TIP: Use double-quotes (ASCII 22) to surround keyword phrases. A keyword phrase matches jobs only where the words appear in the same contiguous order in the job.

and,or,not,near (Locale Specific Keyword Operator)

The keyword operator restricts the search results by applying it to the keyword search. Example:

q=java+and+php restricts the search results for documents contain only java and php keyword.

q=not(java+near+php) or not(java+~+php) restricts the search results for documents NOT contain the phrase "java XXXXXX php" , where XXXXXX is limited to 10 words.

qe (Basic logic expression) (revision 2.2 and higher)

The qe parameter is meant for construct your own logic expression for limit the searching results that returned to you.

For example : to limit the job results that is only for Entry Level or Internship

example url:
https://jsx.monster.com/query.ashx?q=jt:(intern or internship)&qe=(((ye:1 or ye:2) and (eid:4 or eid:5 or eid:6 or eid:7 or eid:8 or eid:9)) or ((lv:10) and (ye:1 or ye:2))) 

Note: Current implementation is allow you to pass params ( ye, eid & lv ) only. Only english version of boolean operation are allow ( AND OR NOT )

qb (Keyword query behavior)

The qb parameter indicates how the keyword query (specified using the q parameter) should be interpreted:

Value Meaning
and AND the words or phrases in the keyword query (default)
or OR the words or phrases in the keyword query
andor AND the words or phrases in the keyword query. If no results are found, OR the words or phrases and retry the query.
Bool (deprecated) Boolean query – do not insert operators between keywords. This option will be unsupported after version 1.2
The default value for this parameter is and.

TIP: If your keyword query contains Boolean operators, the query is treated as a Boolean query regardless of the setting of this parameter.

page (Page number)

The page parameter indicates which page of results to return. The default is 1, which will return the first page of results.

pagesize (Size of result pages)

The pagesize parameter indicates the maximum number of results to return per query. The default is 20, which will return 20 records at a time.

sort (Sort by)

The sort parameter specifies the desired presentation order of the search results:

Value Meaning
rv Keyword relevance
dt Activation date of the job
di Distance - Requires radius search
jb List of job boards

The default sort order is dt sort order if no sort value is specified. If rv is specified, an additional Relevance element is output in each Job node. This element is a floating point value between 0 and 1, and indicates how well the job matches the keyword query.

TIP: Relevance values cannot be meaningfully compared between successive queries, or between relevance values calculated from other sources.

lcid (Locale ID)

The lcid parameter specifies which Locale to use for query processing. This primarily affects how Boolean operators are interpreted. The available query locales and corresponding localized Boolean operators are given in Appendix D. This parameter defaults to 1033 (US English).

TIP: Regardless of the setting of this parameter, you can always use the US-English Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) and the locale-neutral Boolean symbols "&" (AND), "|" or "," (OR) and "!" (NOT).

adatemaxage (Activation date maximum age)

The adatemaxage parameter restricts the search to jobs which have been activated within the specified number of minutes.

TIP: Use 1440 for one day, 10080 for one week, 525600 for one year etc.

jobid (Job ID)

The jobid parameter is a multi-valued parameter which restricts the search to jobs with one or more of the supplied list of Monster JobIDs. The JobID field uniquely identifies jobs retrieved from the Monster database.

jt and jtyp (Job Type) (jt is deprecated)

The jt parameter is a multi-valued parameter which restricts the search to jobs listed as one or more of the following types:

Value Meaning
1 Permanent / Employee
2 Temporary / Contract/Project
3 Internship
jsta (Job Status)

The jsta parameter is a multi-valued parameter which restricts the search to jobs listed as one or more of the following statuses:

Value Meaning
4 Full Time
5 Part Time
jshf (Job Shift) (deprecated)

The jshf parameter is a multi-valued parameter that restricts the search to jobs listed as one or more of the following shifts:
Value Meaning
21 First Shift
22 Second shift
23 Third shift
24 Rotating
25 After school
26 Per Diem
lid (Location ID)

The lid parameter restricts the search to jobs in supplied locations. Allowable values are given in Appendix A.

alid (Location ID) (deprecated!)

The alid parameter is a multi-valued parameter which restricts the search to jobs advertised in one or more of the supplied locations . Allowable values are given in Appendix A.

jcat (Job Category)

The jcat parameter is a multi-valued parameter which restricts the search to jobs in one or more of the supplied job categories or occupations. Several categories or occupations may be passed on the URL. For example:


Allowable values are available from Monster on request.

salmin   salmax (Salary Range)

The salmin and salmax parameters restrict the search to jobs with a salary range that overlaps the range specified.

salcur (Salary Currency)

The salcur parameter restricts the search to jobs in the currency supplied. The possible values are given in Appendix C.

saltyp (Salary Type)

The saltyp parameter restricts the search to jobs with a salary of one or more of the supplied types. The possible values are as follows:
Value Meaning
1 Per year
2 Per hour
3 Per week
4 Per month
cjfN (Custom Job Fields)

The cjfN parameter restricts the search to jobs containing a custom job field N with the supplied value. For example cjf1=2 finds jobs which have custom field 1 set to value 2. cjf1203=40+50+60 cjf5=6 finds jobs which have custom field 1203 set to the value 40, 50 or 60 and also have custom field 5 set to the value 6.

Value Meaning
cjf1000=2 Find jobs which have custom field 1000 equal to the value 2
Cjf1203=40+50+60 Find jobs which have custom field 1203 equal to the value 40, 50, or 60
cjf1203=40+50+60 cjf1204=10 Find jobs which have custom field 1203 equal to the value 40, 50 or 60 AND custom field 1204 equal to the value 10

jbfN (Job Builder Fields)

The jbfN parameter restricts the search to jobs containing a job builder field N with the supplied value. For example jbf1=2 finds jobs which have builder field 1 set to value 2. jbf1203=40+50+60 jbf5=6 finds jobs which have builder field 1203 set to the value 40, 50 or 60 and also have builder field 5 set to the value 6.

jb (Job board)

The jb parameter is a multi-valued parameter which restricts the search to jobs in the specified boards. The value(s) are IDs and may only be a subset of the job boards to which the client has access. If the jb parameter is absent, all job boards to which the client has access are searched.

co (Company Xcode)

The co parameter is a multi-valued parameter which restricts the search to jobs in the specified companies xcode. For example: https://jsx.monster.com/query.ashx?co=xmonsterx+xcompanyincx&cat=CAT

tm (time modified)
The tm parameter represents the number of days to search back for active jobs. The format of the tm value is Nd (i.e. 7d). For example, tm = 7d will search for jobs that were active over past 7 days.

jtit(Job Title)

The jtit parameter restricts the search to jobs that possess a certain job title.

rpcr (Postal Code Radius search)

The rpcr parameter restricts the search to jobs that are in specified postal code and within specified radius. It consists of postal code and radius parameter given in miles. Format should be <PostalCode> - <radius>

zip(Postal Code search)

The zip parameter restricts the search to jobs that are in specified postal code. This parameter will have no effect if radius is not specified.


The radius parameter restricts the search to jobs that are within specified radius and postal code. This parameter will have no effect if zip (Postal Code) is not specified.

cy (Country)

The cy parameter restricts the search to jobs in specified country.

cn (Company name)

The cn parameter restricts the search to jobs for a particular company.

mid (IndustryId)

The mid parameter restricts the search to jobs posted with a specific industryid. This multi-value industry id.


Query Results

Query results are returned as an XML document defined by this schema: https://schemas.monster.com/Current/XSD/Search/JobSearchQueryResults.xsd

Date format

Dates in query results are formatted according to the ISO 8601 standard.
Times are expressed in local time, together with a time zone offset in hours and minutes.
For example: 2005-03-04T20:22:25-05:00. A shorter, date-only value is also output and formatted according to the locale ID (default = 1033).


All errors are returned in an Errors node thus:

<?xml version="1.0=" encoding="utf-8"?>
          <Error Number="ERROR_NUMBER_IN_HEXADECIMAL">

Example Queries

This section contains example query URLs (without the required cat parameter) which may be submitted to the Monster Job Search Service.

Query Example #1 - Basic Keyword filtering


Returns jobs containing all of the words "ado", "vb" and "sql".

Query Example #2 - Date filtering


Returns jobs that have been activated within the last day (adatemaxage=1440).

Query Example #3 - Location filtering


Returns jobs advertised in Massachusetts (452), Vermont (642), Rhode Island (590), Connecticut (366) or New Hampshire (683) that have been posted within the last week (adatemaxage=10080).

Query Example #4 - Salary Range filtering


Returns jobs where the listed salary range falls partially or wholly within $10,000-$20,000 US Dollars per year.

Appendix - A

Use the following Location ID's for USA and Canada. For other countries, please contact Monster.
(Click to Appendix A - Monster Location ID List)
Location ID
CA 224
CA-AB 225
CA-AB-Calgary 226
CA-AB-Edmonton 227
CA-AB-Northern Alberta 901
CA-AB-Southern Alberta 902
CA-BC 228
CA-BC-Capitol Region & Island 905
CA-BC-The Interior 903
CA-BC-Vancouver 229
CA-MB 230
CA-MB-Manitoba 231
CA-NB 232
CA-NB-Fredericton 906
CA-NB-Moncton 907
CA-NB-Saint John 908
CA-NF 233
CA-NF-Newfoundland 909
CA-NS 234
CA-NS-Nova Scotia 911
CA-NT 235
CA-NT-Northwest Territories 910
CA-NU 1606
CA-NU-Nunavut 1607
CA-ON 236
CA-ON-Hamilton/St.Catherines 237
CA-ON-Kitchener 912
CA-ON-London 238
CA-ON-Mississauga 913
CA-ON-Northern Ontario 915
CA-ON-Ottawa 239
CA-ON-South Western Ontario 916
CA-ON-South Western Ontario 1373
CA-ON-Toronto/GTA 240
CA-PE 241
CA-PE-Prince Edward Island 917
CA-QC 242
CA-QC-Abitibi/Témiscamingue 918
CA-QC-Cantons de l'Est 920
CA-QC-Gaspésie/Bas 933
US-CA-Los Angeles 348
US-CA-Oakland/East Bay 702
US-CA-Orange County 350
US-CA-Sacramento 352
US-CA-San Bernardino/Palm Springs 351
US-CA-San Diego 354
US-CA-San Francisco 355
US-CA-Santa Barbara 357
US-CA-Silicon Valley/Peninsula 883
US-CA-Silicon Valley/San Jose 356
US-CA-Ventura County 698
US-CO 360
US-CO-Boulder/Fort Collins 361
US-CO-Colorado Springs 362
US-CO-Denver 363
US-CO-Denver South 884
US-CO-Western/Grand Junction 365
US-CT 366
US-CT-Danbury/Bridgeport 367
US-CT-Hartford 368
US-CT-New Haven 689
US-CT-Southeast/New London 885
US-CT-Stamford 369
US-DC 696
US-DC-Washington/Metro 371
US-DE 372
US-DE-Delaware 374
US-FL 376
US-FL-Daytona 377
US-FL-Ft. Lauderdale 378
US-FL-Ft. Myers/Naples 379
US-FL-Gainesville/Jacksonville 380
US-FL-Melbourne 382
US-FL-Miami 383
US-FL-Orlando 385
US-FL-Pensacola/Panama City 386
US-FL-St. Petersburg 388
US-FL-Tallahassee 389
US-FL-Tampa 390
US-FL-West Palm Beach 391
US-GA 391
US-GA-Atlanta 950
US-GA-Atlanta North 899
US-GA-Atlanta South 886
US-GA-Central/Augusta 395
US-GA-Savannah 398
US-GA-Southwest 942
US-HI 400
US-HI-Hawaii 401
US-IA 403
CA-QC-Montreal 243
CA-QC-Nord du Québec/Manicouagan 937
CA-QC-Québec sud ouest 934
CA-QC-Région de Quebec 919
CA-QC-Saguenay/Lac St.Jean 935
CA-SK 244
CA-SK-Regina 929
CA-SK-Saskatoon 930
CA-YT 245
CA-YT-Yukon Territories 931
US 316
Sandwich Islands
US-AK-Anchorage 318
US-AK-Fairbanks 319
US-AK-Juneau 320
US-AL 322
US-AL-Anniston 323
US-AL-Birmingham 324
US-AL-Mobile/Dothan 325
US-AL-Montgomery 328
US-AL-Northern/Huntsville 326
US-AL-Tuscaloosa 329
US-AR 330
US-AR-Eastern 333
US-AR-Little Rock 334
US-AR-Western 331
US-AZ 336
US-AZ-Flagstaff 337
US-AZ-Phoenix 338
US-AZ-Tucson 340
US-AZ-Yuma 941
US-CA 342
US-CA-Anaheim/Huntington Beach 347
US-CA-Central Coast 343
US-CA-Chico/Eureka 344
US-CA-Long Beach 882
US-CA-Los Angeles 348
US-CA-Oakland/East Bay 702
US-CA-Orange County 350
US-CA-Sacramento 352
US-CA-San Bernardino/Palm Springs 351
US-CA-San Diego 354
US-CA-San Francisco 355
US-CA-Santa Barbara 357
US-CA-Silicon Valley/Peninsula 883
US-CA-Silicon Valley/San Jose 356
US-CA-Ventura County 698
US-CO 360
US-CO-Boulder/Fort Collins 361
US-CO-Colorado Springs 362
US-CO-Denver 363
US-CO-Denver South 884
US-CO-Western/Grand Junction 365
Mayen Islands
US-CT-Danbury/Bridgeport 367
US-CT-Hartford 368
US-CT-New Haven 689
US-CT-Southeast/New London 885
US-CT-Stamford 369
US-DC 696
US-DC-Washington/Metro 371
US-DE 372
US-DE-Delaware 374
US-FL 376
US-FL-Daytona 377
US-FL-Ft. Lauderdale 378
US-FL-Ft. Myers/Naples 379
US-FL-Gainesville/Jacksonville 380
US-FL-Melbourne 382
US-FL-Miami 383
US-FL-Orlando 385
US-FL-Pensacola/Panama City 386
US-FL-St. Petersburg 388
US-FL-Tallahassee 389
US-FL-Tampa 390
US-FL-West Palm Beach 391
US-GA 392
US-GA-Atlanta 950
US-GA-Atlanta North 899
US-GA-Atlanta South 886
US-GA-Central/Augusta 395
US-GA-Savannah 398
US-GA-Southwest 942
US-HI 400
US-HI-Hawaii 401
US-IA 403
US-IA-Cedar Rapids 404
US-IA-Central/Des Moines 406
US-IA-Davenport 939
US-IA-Western/Sioux City 408
US-ID 411
US-ID-Boise 412
US-ID-Eastern/Twin Falls 413
US-ID-Northern 887
US-IL 415
US-IL-Bloomington/Peoria 700
US-IL-Chicago 417
US-IL-Chicago North 888
US-IL-Chicago Northwest 889
US-IL-Chicago South 890
US-IL-Quincy 422
US-IL-Rockford 423
US-IL-Southern 419
US-IL-Springfield/Champaign 424
US-IN 425
US-IN-Evansville 426
US-IN-Fort Wayne 427
US-IN-Gary/Merrillville 891
US-IN-Indianapolis 428
Location ID
US-IN-Lafayette 429
US-IN-South Bend 430
US-IN-Terre Haute 431
US-KS 432
US-KS-Kansas City 435
US-KS-Overland Park 940
US-KS-Topeka/Manhattan 434
US-KS-Wichita Western 437
Micronesia 438
US-KY-Bowling Green/Paducah 439
US-KY-Lexington 441
US-KY-Louisville 442
US-LA 444
US-LA-Alexandria 445
US-LA-Baton Rouge 446
US-LA-Lafayette /Lake Charles 447
US-LA-New Orleans 450
US-LA-Northern 449
US-MA 452
US-MA-Boston 453
US-MA-Boston North 893
US-MA-Boston South 892
US-MA-Framingham/Worcester 455
US-MA-Western/Springfield 454
US-MD 456
US-MD-Baltimore 458
US-MD-Montgomery County 708
US-MD-Salisbury 460
US-ME 461
US-ME-Central/Augusta 462
US-ME-Northern/Bangor 463
US-ME-Southern/Portland 464
US-MI 466
US-MI-Ann Arbor 468
US-MI-Detroit 470
US-MI-Flint/Saginaw 707
US-MI-Grand Rapids 472
US-MI-Kalamazoo 695
US-MI-Lansing 473
US-MI-Northern 467
US-MN 477
US-MN-Mankato/Rochester 482
US-MN-Minneapolis 483
US-MN-Northern/Duluth 480
US-MN-St. Paul 684
US-MO 486
US-MO-Jefferson City 489
US-MO-Kansas City/Independence 491
US-MO-Northeastern 492
Sandwich Islands
US-MO-Southeastern 897
US-MO-Springfield/Joplin 495
US-MO-St. Louis 497
US-MS 498
US-MS-Central 502
US-MS-Northern 500
US-MS-Southern 499
US-MT 504
US-MT-Eastern/Billings 505
US-MT-Great Falls 508
US-MT-Helena/Butte 699
US-MT-Western/Missoula 510
US-NC 511
US-NC-Charlotte 512
US-NC-Eastern/Greenville 515
US-NC-Greensboro 514
US-NC-Raleigh/Durham-RTP 516
US-NC-Western/Asheville 517
US-NCWilmington/Fayetteville 513
US-NC-Winston Salem 519
US-ND 520
US-ND-Central 521
US-ND-Eastern 522
Mayen Islands
US-NE 524
US-NE-Lincoln 526
US-NE-Omaha 528
US-NE-West/North Platte 255
US-NH 683
US-NH-Northern 705
US-NH-Southern 530
US-NJ 682
US-NJ-Central 532
US-NJ-Northern 534
US-NJ-Southern 533
US-NM 536
US-NM-Albuquerque 537
US-NM-Santa Fe 685
US-NV 539
US-NV-Las Vegas 541
US-NV-Reno 542
US-NY 543
US-NY-Albany/Poughkeepsie 544
US-NY-Binghamton/Elmira 545
US-NY-Buffalo 546
US-NY-Long Island 549
US-NY-New York City 550
US-NY-Northern 547
US-NY-Rochester 552
US-NY-Syracuse 553
US-NY-Utica 554
US-NY-Westchester 556
US-OH 557
US-OH-Akron 558
US-OH-Cincinnati 559
US-OH-Cleveland 560
US-OH-Columbus/Zanesville 561
US-OH-Dayton 562
US-OH-Northwest 563
US-OH-Youngstown 566
US-OK 568
US-OK-Central-Oklahoma City 569
US-OK-Eastern/Tulsa 571
US-OR 573
US-OR-Central 574
US-OR-Portland 578
US-OR-Salem 579
US-OR-Southern 576
US-PA 580
US-PA-Allentown 581
US-PA-Erie 582
US-PA-Harrisburg 583
US-PA-Johnstown 584
US-PA-Philadelphia 585
US-PA-Pittsburgh 586
US-PA-State College 704
US-PA-Wilkes Barre 588
US-PA-York/Lancaster 703
US-PR 315
US-PR-San Juan, PR 1384
US-RI 590
US-RI-Providence 591
US-SC 592
US-SC-Columbia 594
US-SC-Florence/Myrtle Beach 595
US-SC-Greenville/Spartanburg 596
US-SC-South/Charleston 593
US-SD 597
US-SD-East/Sioux Falls 598
US-SD-West/Rapid City 600
US-TN 602
US-TN-Chattanooga 603
US-TN-Jackson 604
US-TN-Knoxville 605
US-TN-Memphis 606
US-TN-Nashville 607
US-TX 609
US-TX-Abilene/Odessa 610
US-TX-Amarillo/Lubbock 611
US-TX-Austin 612
US-TX-Dallas 615
US-TX-East/Tyler/Beaumont 613
US-TX-El Paso 616
US-TX-Fort Worth 686
US-TX-Houston 619
US-TX-San Antonio
Sandwich Islands
US-TX-South/Corpus Christi 618
US-TX-Waco 627
US-TX-Wichita Falls 628
US-UT 629
US-UT-Provo 692
US-UT-Salt Lake City 630
US-VA 631
US-VA-Alexandria 894
US-VA-Charlottesville/Harrisonburg 634
US-VA-Fairfax 693
US-VA-McLean/Arlington 895
US-VA-Norfolk/Hampton Roads 635
US-VA-Northern 701
US-VA-Richmond 637
US-VA-Roanoke 638
US-VA-Vienna 694
US-VI 641
US-VI-St. Croix, VI 1383
US-VI-St. John, VI 1381
US-VI-St. Thomas, VI 1382
US-VT 642
US-VT-Northern 529
US-VT-Southern 706
US-WA 645
US-WA-Bellevue/Redmond 896
US-WA-Central/Yakima 649
US-WA-Eastern/Spokane 648
US-WA-Seattle 647
US-WA-Tacoma/Olympia 697
US-WI 650
US-WI-Eau Claire/LaCrosse 654
US-WI-Green Bay/Appleton 653
US-WI-Madison 655
US-WI-Milwaukee 656
US-WI-Northern 659
US-WV 660
US-WV-Northern 663
US-WV-Southern 661
US-WY 666
US-WY-Casper 667
US-WY-Cheyenne 668

Appendix - C

(Click to Appendix C - Monster Currency ID List )
Currency ID
Argentina Peso 3
Australia Dollar 4
Belgium Franc 5
Brazil Real 6
Canada Dollar 7
China Yuan Renmimbi 9
Czech Republic Koruna 10
Danish Krone 38
Euro 2
Fiji Dollar 13
Finnish Mark 39
France Franc 14
Germany Deutsche Mark 11
Greece Drachma 16
Hong Kong Dollar 17
Hungary Forint 18
India Rupee 22
Indonesia Rupiah 19
Ireland Punt 20
Israel New Shekel 21
Italy Lira 23
Japan Yen 24
Luxemborg Franc 36
Malaysia Ringgit 27
Mexico Peso 26
Netherlands Guilder 28
New Zealand Dollar 29
Norwegian Krone 37
Poland Zloty 30
Russia Ruble 31
Singapore Dollar 33
South Africa Rand 35
South Korea Won 25
Spain Peseta 12
Sweden Krona 32
Switzerland Franc 8
Taiwan Dollar 34
United Kingdom Pound 15
US Dollar 1

Appendix - D

(Click to Appendix D - Monster Query Locale ID List )
Locale ID Meaning Available Boolean Operators
1033 English – United States AND, OR, NOT
3081 English – Australia AND, OR, NOT
4105 English – Canada AND, OR, NOT
5129 English – New Zealand AND, OR, NOT
6153 English – Ireland AND, OR, NOT
7177 English – South Africa AND, OR, NOT
1031 German – Germany UND, ODER, NICHT
2055 German – Switzerland UND, ODER, NICHT
3079 German – Austria UND, ODER, NICHT
4103 German – Luxemburg UND, ODER, NICHT
5127 German – Liechtenstein UND, ODER, NICHT
1034 Spanish – Spain Y, E, I, NO
2058 Spanish – Mexico Y, E, I, NO
1036 French – France ET, OU, SANS, SAUF
2060 French – Belgium ET, OU, SANS, SAUF
3084 French – Canada ET, OU, SANS, SAUF
4108 French – Switzerland ET, OU, SANS, SAUF
5132 French – Luxemburg ET, OU, SANS, SAUF
1040 Italian – Italy E, O, NO
2064 Italian – Switzerland E, O, NO
1043 Dutch – The Netherlands EN, OF, NIET
2067 Dutch – Belgium EN, OF, NIET
1053 Swedish – Sweden OCH, ELLER, NARA
2077 Swedish – Finland JA, TAI, EI
1035 Finnish JA, TEI, EI
1030 Danish OG, ELLER, IKKE
1044 Norwegian OG, ELLER, IKKE