Posting Overview
Real Time Posting
Newspaper Job Feed
Resume Search Overview
Boolean - Classic Resume Search
Semantic - Power Resume Search
Cloud Search Overview Uploading resumes to the cloud
XML Upload
Email Upload
Power Docs Upload
Cloud Search (service)
Resume Download
Cloud Analytics
Job Search Service
Real Time Posting
Newspaper Job Feed
Resume Search Overview
Boolean - Classic Resume Search
Semantic - Power Resume Search
Cloud Search Overview Uploading resumes to the cloud
XML Upload
Email Upload
Power Docs Upload
Cloud Search (service)
Resume Download
Cloud Analytics
Job Search Service
Technical Overview
Input Parameters
Query Results
Example Queries
Appendix A
Appendix C
JSX Specification
Technical Overview
Monster Job Search is available via a simple HTTP interface. Query parameters are sent via a single HTTP GET or POST query and search results, errors and diagnostic information are returned as an XML document. The URL handles all query requests to the job indexes. Note that this URL has changed from previous versions.Input Parameters
Parameter FormatAll input parameters should be sent using HTTP GET or POST. Care should be taken to URL-encode all parameters correctly. Malformed parameters will either be incorrectly interpreted and or give rise to unexpected results, or a 0xA0002000 – Invalid Input Parameter error will be returned.
Parameters listed as "multi-valued" accept multiple values and may be internally delimited as follows (subject to URL encoding):
Delimiter | Meaning |
& | Restrict the search to jobs containing all of the supplied values. For example: lid=452&lid=453 |
<space></span> | Restrict the search to jobs containing one or more of the supplied values. For example: lid=452+453 |
, | Restrict the search to jobs containing one or more of the supplied values. For example: lid=452%2c453 |
rev (version) - Required Parameter
The rev parameter is a number specifying the version of the input parameters you are supplying to the Monster Job Search Service and the version of the output schema expected. This affects how input parameters are interpreted by the service. Allowable values are:
Value | Description |
2.0 | version 2.0 |
cat (Company Access Ticket) - Required Parameter
The cat parameter should be populated with the Company Access Ticket received from Monster. Your Company Access Ticket (CAT) is case-sensitive and should be supplied in its entirety. It is valid only under the terms and conditions of your contract with Monster. Restrictions may include, but are not limited to, IP address, date range and access to specific search functionality.
q (Keyword query)
The q parameter restricts the search to jobs containing the supplied list of keywords, or matching a given Boolean expression. If a Boolean expression is supplied, it will be used verbatim. Otherwise, a logical operator (either AND or OR) is inserted between keywords. The qb parameter (see below) controls whether AND or OR is used.
Beside the whole document keyword searching , we can use q parameter restricts the search to job title only.For example: q=jt:(java or php) and j2me, will perform the search in job title with' java' OR 'php' keyword AND j2me keyword searching.
TIP: Use double-quotes (ASCII 22) to surround keyword phrases. A keyword phrase matches jobs only where the words appear in the same contiguous order in the job.
and,or,not,near (Locale Specific Keyword Operator)
The keyword operator restricts the search results by applying it to the keyword search. Example:
q=java+and+php restricts the search results for documents contain only java and php keyword.
q=not(java+near+php) or not(java+~+php) restricts the search results for documents NOT contain the phrase "java XXXXXX php" , where XXXXXX is limited to 10 words.
qe (Basic logic expression) (revision 2.2 and higher)
The qe parameter is meant for construct your own logic expression for limit the searching results that returned to you.
For example : to limit the job results that is only for Entry Level or Internship
example url: or internship)&qe=(((ye:1 or ye:2) and (eid:4 or eid:5 or eid:6 or eid:7 or eid:8 or eid:9)) or ((lv:10) and (ye:1 or ye:2)))
Note: Current implementation is allow you to pass params ( ye, eid & lv ) only. Only english version of boolean operation are allow ( AND OR NOT )
qb (Keyword query behavior)
The qb parameter indicates how the keyword query (specified using the q parameter) should be interpreted:
Value | Meaning |
and | AND the words or phrases in the keyword query (default) |
or | OR the words or phrases in the keyword query |
andor | AND the words or phrases in the keyword query. If no results are found, OR the words or phrases and retry the query. |
Bool (deprecated) | Boolean query – do not insert operators between keywords. This option will be unsupported after version 1.2 |
TIP: If your keyword query contains Boolean operators, the query is treated as a Boolean query regardless of the setting of this parameter.
page (Page number)
The page parameter indicates which page of results to return. The default is 1, which will return the first page of results.
pagesize (Size of result pages)
The pagesize parameter indicates the maximum number of results to return per query. The default is 20, which will return 20 records at a time.
sort (Sort by)
The sort parameter specifies the desired presentation order of the search results:
Value | Meaning |
rv | Keyword relevance |
dt | Activation date of the job |
di | Distance - Requires radius search |
jb | List of job boards |
The default sort order is dt sort order if no sort value is specified. If rv is specified, an additional Relevance element is output in each Job node. This element is a floating point value between 0 and 1, and indicates how well the job matches the keyword query.
TIP: Relevance values cannot be meaningfully compared between successive queries, or between relevance values calculated from other sources.
lcid (Locale ID)
The lcid parameter specifies which Locale to use for query processing. This primarily affects how Boolean operators are interpreted. The available query locales and corresponding localized Boolean operators are given in Appendix D. This parameter defaults to 1033 (US English).
TIP: Regardless of the setting of this parameter, you can always use the US-English Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) and the locale-neutral Boolean symbols "&" (AND), "|" or "," (OR) and "!" (NOT).
adatemaxage (Activation date maximum age)
The adatemaxage parameter restricts the search to jobs which have been activated within the specified number of minutes.
TIP: Use 1440 for one day, 10080 for one week, 525600 for one year etc.
jobid (Job ID)
The jobid parameter is a multi-valued parameter which restricts the search to jobs with one or more of the supplied list of Monster JobIDs. The JobID field uniquely identifies jobs retrieved from the Monster database.
jt and jtyp (Job Type) (jt is deprecated)
The jt parameter is a multi-valued parameter which restricts the search to jobs listed as one or more of the following types:
Value | Meaning |
1 | Permanent / Employee |
2 | Temporary / Contract/Project |
3 | Internship |
The jsta parameter is a multi-valued parameter which restricts the search to jobs listed as one or more of the following statuses:
Value | Meaning |
4 | Full Time |
5 | Part Time |
The jshf parameter is a multi-valued parameter that restricts the search to jobs listed as one or more of the following shifts:
Value | Meaning |
21 | First Shift |
22 | Second shift |
23 | Third shift |
24 | Rotating |
25 | After school |
26 | Per Diem |
The lid parameter restricts the search to jobs in supplied locations. Allowable values are given in Appendix A.
alid (Location ID) (deprecated!)
The alid parameter is a multi-valued parameter which restricts the search to jobs advertised in one or more of the supplied locations . Allowable values are given in Appendix A.
jcat (Job Category)
The jcat parameter is a multi-valued parameter which restricts the search to jobs in one or more of the supplied job categories or occupations. Several categories or occupations may be passed on the URL. For example:
Allowable values are available from Monster on request.
salmin salmax (Salary Range)
The salmin and salmax parameters restrict the search to jobs with a salary range that overlaps the range specified.
salcur (Salary Currency)
The salcur parameter restricts the search to jobs in the currency supplied. The possible values are given in Appendix C.
saltyp (Salary Type)
The saltyp parameter restricts the search to jobs with a salary of one or more of the supplied types. The possible values are as follows:
Value | Meaning |
1 | Per year |
2 | Per hour |
3 | Per week |
4 | Per month |
The cjfN parameter restricts the search to jobs containing a custom job field N with the supplied value. For example cjf1=2 finds jobs which have custom field 1 set to value 2. cjf1203=40+50+60 cjf5=6 finds jobs which have custom field 1203 set to the value 40, 50 or 60 and also have custom field 5 set to the value 6.
Value | Meaning |
cjf1000=2 | Find jobs which have custom field 1000 equal to the value 2 |
Cjf1203=40+50+60 | Find jobs which have custom field 1203 equal to the value 40, 50, or 60 |
cjf1203=40+50+60 cjf1204=10 | Find jobs which have custom field 1203 equal to the value 40, 50 or 60 AND custom field 1204 equal to the value 10 |
jbfN (Job Builder Fields)
The jbfN parameter restricts the search to jobs containing a job builder field N with the supplied value. For example jbf1=2 finds jobs which have builder field 1 set to value 2. jbf1203=40+50+60 jbf5=6 finds jobs which have builder field 1203 set to the value 40, 50 or 60 and also have builder field 5 set to the value 6.
jb (Job board)
The jb parameter is a multi-valued parameter which restricts the search to jobs in the specified boards. The value(s) are IDs and may only be a subset of the job boards to which the client has access. If the jb parameter is absent, all job boards to which the client has access are searched.
co (Company Xcode)
The co parameter is a multi-valued parameter which restricts the search to jobs in the specified companies xcode. For example:
tm (time modified)
The tm parameter represents the number of days to search back for active jobs. The format of the tm value is Nd (i.e. 7d). For example, tm = 7d will search for jobs that were active over past 7 days.
jtit(Job Title)
The jtit parameter restricts the search to jobs that possess a certain job title.
rpcr (Postal Code Radius search)
The rpcr parameter restricts the search to jobs that are in specified postal code and within specified radius. It consists of postal code and radius parameter given in miles. Format should be <PostalCode> - <radius>
zip(Postal Code search)
The zip parameter restricts the search to jobs that are in specified postal code. This parameter will have no effect if radius is not specified.
The radius parameter restricts the search to jobs that are within specified radius and postal code. This parameter will have no effect if zip (Postal Code) is not specified.
cy (Country)
The cy parameter restricts the search to jobs in specified country.
cn (Company name)
The cn parameter restricts the search to jobs for a particular company.
mid (IndustryId)
The mid parameter restricts the search to jobs posted with a specific industryid. This multi-value industry id.
Query Results
Query results are returned as an XML document defined by this schema: format
Dates in query results are formatted according to the ISO 8601 standard.
Times are expressed in local time, together with a time zone offset in hours and minutes.
For example: 2005-03-04T20:22:25-05:00. A shorter, date-only value is also output and formatted according to the locale ID (default = 1033).
All errors are returned in an Errors node thus:<?xml version="1.0=" encoding="utf-8"?> <Monster> <Errors> <Error Number="ERROR_NUMBER_IN_HEXADECIMAL"> <Message>ERROR_MESSAGE</Message> </Error> </Errors> </Monster>
Example Queries
This section contains example query URLs (without the required cat parameter) which may be submitted to the Monster Job Search Service.Query Example #1 - Basic Keyword filtering
Returns jobs containing all of the words "ado", "vb" and "sql".
Query Example #2 - Date filtering
Returns jobs that have been activated within the last day (adatemaxage=1440).
Query Example #3 - Location filtering
Returns jobs advertised in Massachusetts (452), Vermont (642), Rhode Island (590), Connecticut (366) or New Hampshire (683) that have been posted within the last week (adatemaxage=10080).
Query Example #4 - Salary Range filtering
Returns jobs where the listed salary range falls partially or wholly within $10,000-$20,000 US Dollars per year.
Appendix - A
Use the following Location ID's for USA and Canada. For other countries, please contact Monster.Appendix - C
Currency | ID |
Argentina Peso | 3 |
Australia Dollar | 4 |
Belgium Franc | 5 |
Brazil Real | 6 |
Canada Dollar | 7 |
China Yuan Renmimbi | 9 |
Czech Republic Koruna | 10 |
Danish Krone | 38 |
Euro | 2 |
Fiji Dollar | 13 |
Finnish Mark | 39 |
France Franc | 14 |
Germany Deutsche Mark | 11 |
Greece Drachma | 16 |
Hong Kong Dollar | 17 |
Hungary Forint | 18 |
India Rupee | 22 |
Indonesia Rupiah | 19 |
Ireland Punt | 20 |
Israel New Shekel | 21 |
Italy Lira | 23 |
Japan Yen | 24 |
Luxemborg Franc | 36 |
Malaysia Ringgit | 27 |
Mexico Peso | 26 |
Netherlands Guilder | 28 |
New Zealand Dollar | 29 |
Norwegian Krone | 37 |
Poland Zloty | 30 |
Russia Ruble | 31 |
Singapore Dollar | 33 |
South Africa Rand | 35 |
South Korea Won | 25 |
Spain Peseta | 12 |
Sweden Krona | 32 |
Switzerland Franc | 8 |
Taiwan Dollar | 34 |
United Kingdom Pound | 15 |
US Dollar | 1 |
Appendix - D
Locale ID | Meaning | Available Boolean Operators |
1033 | English – United States | AND, OR, NOT |
3081 | English – Australia | AND, OR, NOT |
4105 | English – Canada | AND, OR, NOT |
5129 | English – New Zealand | AND, OR, NOT |
6153 | English – Ireland | AND, OR, NOT |
7177 | English – South Africa | AND, OR, NOT |
1031 | German – Germany | UND, ODER, NICHT |
2055 | German – Switzerland | UND, ODER, NICHT |
3079 | German – Austria | UND, ODER, NICHT |
4103 | German – Luxemburg | UND, ODER, NICHT |
5127 | German – Liechtenstein | UND, ODER, NICHT |
1034 | Spanish – Spain | Y, E, I, NO |
2058 | Spanish – Mexico | Y, E, I, NO |
1036 | French – France | ET, OU, SANS, SAUF |
2060 | French – Belgium | ET, OU, SANS, SAUF |
3084 | French – Canada | ET, OU, SANS, SAUF |
4108 | French – Switzerland | ET, OU, SANS, SAUF |
5132 | French – Luxemburg | ET, OU, SANS, SAUF |
1040 | Italian – Italy | E, O, NO |
2064 | Italian – Switzerland | E, O, NO |
1043 | Dutch – The Netherlands | EN, OF, NIET |
2067 | Dutch – Belgium | EN, OF, NIET |
1053 | Swedish – Sweden | OCH, ELLER, NARA |
2077 | Swedish – Finland | JA, TAI, EI |
1035 | Finnish | JA, TEI, EI |
1030 | Danish | OG, ELLER, IKKE |
1044 | Norwegian | OG, ELLER, IKKE |