Posting Overview
Real Time Posting
Newspaper Job Feed
Resume Search Overview
Boolean - Classic Resume Search
Semantic - Power Resume Search
Cloud Search Overview Uploading resumes to the cloud
XML Upload
Email Upload
Power Docs Upload
Cloud Search (service)
Resume Download
Cloud Analytics
Job Search Service
Real Time Posting
Newspaper Job Feed
Resume Search Overview
Boolean - Classic Resume Search
Semantic - Power Resume Search
Cloud Search Overview Uploading resumes to the cloud
XML Upload
Email Upload
Power Docs Upload
Cloud Search (service)
Resume Download
Cloud Analytics
Job Search Service
Parameter Licenses
Input Parameters
Query Results
Example Queries
Appendix A – Monster Country ID List
Appendix B – Query Results Schema
Appendix C – Example Query Results
Monster Cloud Analytics API
Monster Cloud Analytics API service is a reporting feature allowing users to analyze the composition of a group of resumes based on specified search parameters. This document describes all required and optional search parameters, explains search behavior, and provides examples of response objects as well as possible errors.Monster Cloud Analytics API service is accessible via an HTTP interface. Query parameters are sent via a single HTTP GET or POST. The search results, errors and diagnostic information are returned as an XML document. The URL handles requests to the resume search service. A Company Access Ticket (CAT) and version number are required for the use of this site (more on this under Required Parameters heading).
Parameter Licenses
If a search term is suffixed with an asterisk (*) then it requires an access license. If your CAT is not provisioned with the required parameter license you will not receive results in the query. The two parameter licenses relevant to this feature are 6Sense Talent Dashboard, and 6Sense Security Clearance. Please contact your Monster resource to have the appropriate license(s) enabled.Input Parameters
Parameter Format
All input parameters should be sent using HTTP GET. Care should be taken to URL-encode all parameters correctly. Malformed parameters will be misinterpreted and may give rise to unexpected results or an error.For example: 0xA0002000 - Invalid Input Parameter error
Parameters listed as "multi-valued" accept multiple values and may be internally delimited as follows (subject to URL encoding):
Delimiter | Meaning |
, | Restrict the search to jobs containing one or more of the supplied values |
Search URL Encoding Instructions
Encoding standard for all parameters is: UE(UE(val1),UE(val2),UE(val3))Encoding standard for all parameters with importance (required (req)/nice to have (nth)) specified: UE(UE(val1),UE(val2) req,UE(val3) nth)
Special cases still follow the general rule:
- Single value (e.g. candidate name): UE(UE(val))
- IDs, Booleans, other values which do not require encoding: UE(UE(id1),UE(id2),UE(id3)) = UE(id1,id2,id3)
Required Parameters
ver (Version number)The ver parameter is required for PRAX and specifies the version of the Monster Cloud Analytics API service that you are accessing. The following are the valid versions:
Value | Description |
1.0 | Current version |
The following is an example call to access version 1.0 of Monster Cloud Analytics API service:…
If the version is excluded the following error XML will be returned:
<Monster> <Errors> <Error Number="0xA0000999"> <Message>Invalid version specified</Message> <Error> <Errors> <Monster>cat (Company Access Ticket)
The cat parameter which is required for PRAX should be populated with the Company Access Ticket received from Monster.
For example:[your cat]
Your Company Access Ticket (CAT) is case-sensitive and should be supplied in its entirety. It is valid only under the terms and conditions of your contract with Monster. Restrictions may include, but are not limited to, IP address, date range and access to specific search functionality.
TIP: If you supply an invalid CAT to the Search Service, you will receive one of the CAT errors described in the Errors section of this document.
co (Country)
The co parameter restricts search results to resumes for a particular country. These values are the country abbreviation for the particular country within which to search.
For example:
where AU = Australia, CA = Canada, UK = United Kingdom, etc.
dimName (Dimension Name)
The dimName parameter restricts the search to one of the dimensions corresponding with report tabs in Talent Dashboard, as follows (some variation by channel as noted).
"skill", "eduLevel", "resumeSource", "dateLastUpdated", "locByCity" (supported for US, UK), "locByState" (supported for US), "locByCounty" (supported by UK), "locByRegion" (supported for AU)
For example: dimName=Skill
rb (Resume Board)
The rb parameter is a multi-valued parameter which restricts the search to resumes in the specified boards. However in PRAX the user may only query on one board at a time. The value is an ID, and may only be a resume board to which the user has access.
For example: rb=6143
Optional Parameters
q (Keyword query)The q parameter restricts the search to resumes containing the supplied list of keywords.
For example: q=Software%2bEngineer%2cQA
Use double-quotes (ASCII 22) to surround keyword phrases. A keyword phrase matches resumes only where the words appear in the same contiguous order in the resume.
clvid (career level ID)
The clvid parameter allows a user to restrict the results based on the Career Level ID. The possible values are as follows:
Career Level ID | Meaning |
1 | President |
2 | Executive Level |
3 | General Manager |
4 | Vice President |
5 | Director |
6 | Head |
7 | Manager |
8 | Lead |
9 | Other |
10 | Analyst |
11 | Representative |
12 | Specialist |
13 | Clerk |
14 | Coordinator |
15 | Assistant |
cname (Candidate name)
The cname parameter allows a user to restrict the results based on the candidate's name.
For example: cname=candidate_name (subject to url-encoding)
dimMaxResults (Dimension Max Results)
The dimMaxResults parameter specifies the maximum number of results to be returned for this dimension. Capped at 1000
For example: dimMaxResults=200
dimZeroResults (Dimension Include Zero Results)
The dimZeroResults parameter allows the user to restrict the results by a“true” or "false" string
For example: dimZeroResults=false
dimOrderBy (Dimension Order)
The dimOrderBy parameter allows the user to order query results by one of the following: “HIT”: number of target concepts; “NAME”: display Name of the Concept; “ATTR”: order specified by the Report Schema.
For example: dimOrderBy=HIT
dimSortBy (Dimension Sorting)
The dimSortBy parameter allows the user to sort report results by dimension, ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).
For example: dimSortBy=DESC
reqcode (Requisition Code) The reqcode parameter restricts the search based on a supplied comma-separated list of requisition codes.
For example: reqcode=abc123%2cdef456 (%2C is a url-encoded comma)
jt (Job title)
The jt parameter allows a user to restrict the results based on the job title. Several titles may be used in the search by submitting a comma-delimited list.
For example: jt= programmer%2Cdeveloper (%2C is a url-encoded comma)
comp (Company name)
The comp parameter allows a user to restrict the results based on the most recent company with which candidates were employed.
For example: comp=Monster%2bWorldwide (%2b is a url-encoded space)
sk (Skill)
The sk parameter allows a user to restrict the results based on the job skill description. Several skill descriptions may be used in the search by submitting a comma-delimited list.
For example:
( url-encoding explained: UE(UE(c++) req,UE(java beans) nth) )
sch (School name)
The sch parameter allows a user to restrict the results to a specific school or schools. Several school names may be used in the search by submitting a comma-delimited list.
For example: sch= Harvard%2CYale (%2C is a url-encoded comma)
mdatemaxage (Resume updated maximum age)
The mdatemaxage parameter restricts the search to resumes that have been modified or reactivated within the specified maximum number of minutes since resume was updated
For example: mdatemaxage=525600
TIP: Use 1440 for one day, 10080 for one week, 525600 for one year etc.
mdateminage (Resume updated minimum age)
The mdateminage parameter restricts the search to resumes that have been modified or reactivated from the specified minimum number of minutes since resume was updated
For example: mdateminage=1440
TIP: Use 1440 for one day, 10080 for one week, 525600 for one year etc.
minedulvid (Minimum Education Level ID)
The minedulvid parameter restricts the search to resumes that contain the supplied list of education levels. Possible values are located here
srcid (First Tier Resume Source IDs)
The srcid parameter allows the user to restrict results based on a comma-separated list of resume source IDs.
For example:
srcid=11 (Monster only)
srcid=11%2C12 (Monster or Newspapers only)
(%2c is a url-encoded comma)
Possible values are located here
Srefcode (Seeker RefCode)
The Srefcode parameter allows the user to restrict results based on a comma-separated list of Seeker RefCodes.
For example: srefcode=abc123%2cdef456 (%2c is a url-encoded comma)
tjtid (Target Job Type ID)
The tjtid parameter restricts the search to resumes with owners who have expressed an interest in working in a specified type of position. The possible values are as follows:
Target Job Type ID | Meaning |
1 | Permanent |
2 | Contract |
3 | Intern |
4 | Temp |
5 | Seasonal |
6 | FullTime |
7 | PartTime |
8 | Statutaire |
9 | PerDiem |
relo (Relocate)
The relo parameter restricts the search to resumes with owners who have expressed a willingness or unwillingness to relocate.
For example:
Show resumes where user is not willing to relocate for employment
Show resumes where user is willing to relocate for employment
wa (Work Authorization)
The wa parameter is a compound, multi-valued parameter that restricts the search to resumes containing one or more of the supplied list of work authorization statuses. This is a compound parameter with two components separated by a hyphen: CountryID (from Appendix A) and WorkStatusID (below). The possible values for WorkStatusID are as follows:
WorkStatus ID | Meaning |
1 | Authorized to work for any employer |
2 | Authorized to work for current employer only |
3 | Require sponsorship |
tsalcur (Target Salary Currency)
The tsalcur parameter restricts the search to resumes with desired salary in the currency supplied. The possible values are the currencies' abbreviations, as follows:
Abbreviation | Description |
USD | US Dollars |
EUR | Euro |
AUD | Australian Dollar |
CAD | Canadian Dollar |
tnsalmin (Target Normalized Salary Minimum)
The tnsalmin parameter restricts the search to resumes with desired minimum normalized (annualized) salary greater than or equal to the supplied value.
For example: tnsalmin=20000
tnsalmax (Target Normalized Salary Maximum)
The tnsalmax parameter restricts the search to resumes with desired maximum normalized (annualized) salary less than or equal to the supplied value.
For example: tnsalmax=100000
tsni (Target salary not included)
The tsni parameter is a flag that indicates whether resumes that do not specify a target salary should be included in the search results (0: Do not include resumes, 1: Include resumes). This is only applicable when the tnsalmin and or the tnsalmax parameters are used.
For example: tsni=1
edumjr (Education Major)
The edumjr parameter allows a user to restrict a query based on a seekers education major. One or more education majors may be specified and the resume must match one of the requested values.
For example: edumjr= MBA%2cMS%2bMath+nth%2cEnglish+req
ten (Job Tenure)
The ten parameter restricts the search to resumes with specified job tenure. The value is a number (of years) combined with one of the following operators. URL encoding is required.
Example | Meaning | Encoded form |
">3" | greater than 3 years | ten=%3E3 |
"‹10" | less than 10 years | ten=%3C10 |
"20+" | 20 or more years | ten=20%2B |
"10-20" | 10 to 20 years | ten=10-20 |
ten=1 (means 1 year)
ten=0.5 (means 6 months)
veteran (Veteran Candidates)
The veteran parameter restricts the search to include or exclude veterans. (0: Do not include veterans, 1: Include veterans)
For example: veteran=1
wtt (Willingness to Travel)
The wtt parameter is an optional parameter that restricts the search to candidates’ percentage willingness to travel. The possible values are as follows:
wtt ID | Meaning |
1 | Not willing to travel |
2 | 25% willing to travel |
3 | 50% willing to travel |
4 | 75% willing to travel |
5 | 100% willing to travel |
yex (Years experience)
The yex parameter is an optional parameter that restricts the search to resumes with the specified years of experience.
For Example: the following specifies 5 years of experience: yex=5
yexf (Years of Experience Filter)
The yexf parameter allows the user to restrict the search based on years of experience; either a single number of years, a range of years, with a greater/less than expression.
For example:
yexf=1 (exactly 1 year)
yexf=1-5 (1 to 5 years both inclusive)
yexf=%253c5 (less than 5 years)
yexf=5%252b (5 or more years)
gsc (Global Security Clearance)
The gsc parameter is a compound, multi-valued parameter that restricts the search to resumes containing one or more Security Clearance for authorized employers. This is a compound parameter with two components separated by a hyphen: CountryID (from Appendix A) and SecurityClearanceID (below). The possible values for SecurityClearanceID are as follows:
SecurityClearance ID | Active Clearance | Meaning |
1 | 0 | None |
2 | 0 | Unknown Category |
3 | 1 | Active Confidential |
4 | 1 | Active Secret |
5 | 1 | Active Top Secret |
6 | 1 | Active Top Secret/SCI |
7 | 0 | Inactive Confidential |
8 | 0 | Inactive Secret |
9 | 0 | Inactive Top Secret |
10 | 0 | Inactive Top Secret/SCI |
11 | 0 | None |
12 | 1 | Active Confidential |
13 | 1 | Active Secret |
14 | 1 | Active Top Secret |
15 | 0 | Inactive Confidential |
16 | 0 | Inactive Secret |
17 | 0 | Inactive Top Secret |
18 | 1 | Inactive Clearance |
19 | 1 | Active TS/SCI-CI Polygraph |
20 | 1 | Active TS/SCI-FS Polygraph |
21 | 1 | Other Active Clearance |
For example: gsc=164-5%2c30-4
loc (Location)
The loc parameter restricts search results to resumes for a particular location with a radius specified.
For example:
loc=Boston-20 (search within 20 miles radius around Boston)
loc=Portland%252C%2520OR (This is UE(UE("Portland, OR")).)
Query Results
Query results are returned as an XML document defined by the schema given in Appendix B. Example results are given in Appendix C.This section covers various details, changes and new elements that might not be apparent in the XML schema.
XML encoding
The XML encoding is UTF-8. The following will be the first line of the return XML:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>Appendix C illustrates sample XML with the encoding specified in the XML.
Report Status
Indicates the status of the query. This value is returned as part of the Report element. For example:<Report Total="14" Matching="12" Status="0"> Where ‘Total=14’ indicates a total of 14 records present in the database, with 12 records matching the current query.
Current Security Clearances [Licensed] *
Current security clearance and the active clearance flag are returned in the PersonalData section of the XML if the caller is licensed for this information. Possible values are located here Example:<Monster> <Resumes … > <Resume … > <PersonalData > <ActiveClearance>1</ActiveClearance> <SecurityClearance >7</SecurityClearance >
The following section outlines error values and explanations that may be returned from a search request. The following illustrates the structure of the error XML:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Monster> <Errors> <Error Number="ERROR_NUMBER_IN_HEXADECIMAL"> <Message>ERROR_MESSAGE </Message> </Error> </Errors> </Monster>
The following is an example error:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Monster> <Errors> <Error Number="0xA0000999"> <Message>Processing error.</Message> </Error> </Errors> </Monster>When an error occurs please retry your search and/or contact Monster support.
Example Queries
This section contains example query URLs (without the required cat parameter) that may be submitted to the Monster Cloud Analytics API service.Query Example #1 - Basic Keyword filtering
Returns the number of resume containing the word "film" and the word "actor".
Query Example #2 - Date filtering ver=1.0&mdatemaxage=1440
Returns the number of resume containing the phrase "auto mechanic" posted or modified within the last day (1440 minutes).
Query Example #3 - Target Job Type ID filtering
Returns the number of resume containing the word "cook" or "chef" where the resume owner has expressed an interest in working for Job Type ID 1 (tjtid=1).
Query Example #4 - Education filtering ver=1.0&minedulvid=6,7
Returns the number of resume containing the phrase "Director of Sales" where the resume owner has a Master's (edulv=6) or a Doctorate (edulv=7) degree.
Query Example #5 - Work Authorization filtering
Returns the number of resume containing the phrase "marketing guru" where the resume owner authorized to work for any employer in the UK (wa=160-1).
See Appendix A for a complete list of Country IDs.
Query Example #6 - Global Security Clearance filtering ver=1.0&gsc=54-11
Returns the number of resume containing the phrase "Multi Experienced Associate" with the Security Clearance for those authorized employers in the EU-French (gsc=54-11).
Appendix A - Monster Country ID List
Country | ID |
Afghanistan | 1 |
Albania | 2 |
Algeria | 3 |
American Samoa | 178 |
Andorra | 4 |
Angola | 5 |
Anguilla | 176 |
Antarctica | 177 |
Antigua and Barbuda | 175 |
Argentina | 6 |
Armenia | 7 |
Aruba | 179 |
Australia | 8 |
Austria | 9 |
Azerbaidjan | 10 |
Bahamas | 11 |
Bahrain | 12 |
Bangladesh | 13 |
Barbados | 14 |
Belarus | 15 |
Belgium | 16 |
Belize | 17 |
Benin | 18 |
Bermuda | 19 |
Bhutan | 20 |
Bolivia | 21 |
Bosnia-Herzegovina | 22 |
Botswana | 23 |
Bouvet Island | 181 |
Brazil | 24 |
British Indian Ocean Territory | 201 |
Brunei Darussalam | 180 |
Bulgaria | 25 |
Burkina Faso | 26 |
Burundi | 27 |
Cambodia | 28 |
Cameroon | 29 |
Canada | 30 |
Cape Verde | 31 |
Cayman Islands | 32 |
Central African Republic | 33 |
Chad | 34 |
Chile | 35 |
China | 36 |
Christmas Island | 185 |
Cocos (Keeling) Islands | 182 |
Colombia | 37 |
Comoros | 204 |
Congo | 38 |
Cook Islands | 183 |
Costa Rica | 39 |
Croatia | 40 |
Cuba | 184 |
Cyprus | 41 |
Czech Republic | 42 |
Denmark | 43 |
Djibouti | 44 |
Dominica | 186 |
Dominican Republic | 187 |
East Timor | 233 |
Ecuador | 45 |
Egypt | 46 |
El Salvador | 47 |
Equatorial Guinea | 48 |
Eritrea | 49 |
Estonia | 50 |
Ethiopia | 51 |
Falkland | |
Islands | 189 |
Faroe Islands | 191 |
Fiji | 52 |
Finland | 53 |
Former USSR | 228 |
France | 54 |
France (European Territory) | 55 |
French Guyana | 193 |
French Southern Territories | 230 |
Gabon | 56 |
Gambia | 57 |
Georgia | 58 |
Germany | 59 |
Country | ID |
Ghana | 60 |
Gibraltar | 194 |
Greece | 61 |
Greenland | 195 |
Grenada | 192 |
Guadeloupe (French) | 196 |
Guam | 62 |
Guatemala | 198 |
Guinea | 63 |
Guinea Bissau | 64 |
Guyana | 65 |
Haiti | 200 |
Heard and McDonald Islands | 199 |
Honduras | 66 |
Hong Kong | 67 |
Hungary | 68 |
Iceland | 69 |
India | 70 |
Indonesia | 71 |
Iran | 72 |
Iraq | 73 |
Ireland | 74 |
Israel | 75 |
Italy | 76 |
Ivory Coast | 77 |
Jamaica | 202 |
Japan | 78 |
Jordan | 79 |
Kazakhstan | 80 |
Kenya | 81 |
Kiribati | 203 |
Kuwait | 82 |
Kyrgyzstan | 83 |
Laos | 84 |
Latvia | 85 |
Lebanon | 86 |
Lesotho | 87 |
Liberia | 88 |
Libya | 89 |
Liechtenstein | 90 |
Lithuania | 91 |
Luxembourg | 92 |
Macau | 208 |
Macedonia | 93 |
Madagascar | 94 |
Malawi | 95 |
Malaysia | 96 |
Maldives | 97 |
Mali | 98 |
Malta | 99 |
Marshall Islands | 207 |
Martinique (French) | 210 |
Mauritania | 100 |
Mauritius | 212 |
Mayotte | 241 |
Mexico | 101 |
Micronesia | 190 |
Moldavia | 102 |
Monaco | 103 |
Mongolia | 104 |
Montserrat | 211 |
Morocco | 105 |
Mozambique | 106 |
Myanmar, Union of (Burma) | 242 |
Namibia | 107 |
Nauru | 215 |
Nepal | 108 |
Netherlands | 109 |
Netherlands Antilles | 110 |
Neutral Zone | 216 |
New Caledonia (French) | 213 |
New Zealand | 111 |
Nicaragua | 112 |
Niger | 113 |
Nigeria | 114 |
Niue | 217 |
Norfolk Island | 214 |
North Korea | 115 |
Northern Mariana Islands | 209 |
Norway | 116 |
Oman | 117 |
Country | ID |
Pakistan | 118 |
Palau | 222 |
Panama | 119 |
Papua New Guinea | 219 |
Paraguay | 120 |
Peru | 121 |
Philippines | 122 |
Pitcairn Island | 221 |
Poland | 123 |
Polynesia (French) | 218 |
Portugal | 124 |
Qatar | 126 |
Reunion (French) | 127 |
Romania | 128 |
Russian Federation | 129 |
Rwanda | 130 |
S. Georgia & S. Sandwich Islands | 197 |
Saint Helena | 224 |
Saint Kitts & Nevis Anguilla | 205 |
Saint Lucia | 206 |
Saint Pierre and Miquelon | 220 |
Saint Tome and Principe | 131 |
Saint Vincent & Grenadines | 237 |
Samoa | 132 |
San Marino | 227 |
Saudi Arabia | 133 |
Senegal | 134 |
Seychelles | 135 |
Sierra Leone | 136 |
Singapore | 137 |
Slovakia | 138 |
Slovenia | 139 |
Solomon Islands | 223 |
Somalia | 140 |
South Africa | 141 |
South Korea | 142 |
Spain | 143 |
Sri Lanka | 144 |
Sudan | 145 |
Suriname | 146 |
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands | 225 |
Swaziland | 147 |
Sweden | 148 |
Switzerland | 149 |
Syria | 150 |
Tadjikistan | 151 |
Taiwan | 152 |
Tanzania | 153 |
Thailand | 154 |
Togo | 155 |
Tokelau | 231 |
Tonga | 232 |
Trinidad and Tobago | 234 |
Tunisia | 156 |
Turkey | 157 |
Turkmenistan | 158 |
Turks and Caicos Islands | 229 |
Tuvalu | 235 |
Uganda | 159 |
UK | 160 |
Ukraine | 161 |
United Arab Emirates | 162 |
Uruguay | 163 |
US | 164 |
USA Minor Outlying Islands | 236 |
Uzbekistan | 165 |
Vanuatu | 239 |
Vatican City | 166 |
Venezuela | 167 |
Vietnam | 168 |
Virgin Islands (British) | 169 |
Virgin Islands (USA) | 238 |
Wallis and Futuna Islands | 240 |
Western Sahara | 188 |
Yemen | 170 |
Yugoslavia | 171 |
Zaire | 172 |
Zambia | 173 |
Zimbabwe | 174 |
Appendix B - Query Results Schema
This XML Schema Definition (XSD) describes the names, types and constraints of elements that may appear in Talent Dashboard query results (examples of which follow in Appendix C).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"> <xs:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns:xs=""> <xs:complexType name="ReportType"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="ReportSets"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="ReportSet" type="ReportSetType" /> </xs:sequence > </xs:complexType > </xs:element > </xs:sequence > <xs:attribute name="Total" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="required" /> <xs:attribute name="Matching" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="required" /> <xs:attribute name="Status" type="xs:int" use="required" /> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="ReportSetType"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="Variations"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="Variation" type="VariationType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name="Name" type="ReportSetNameType" use="required" /> </xs:complexType> <xs:simpleType name="ReportSetNameType"> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="skill" /> <xs:enumeration value="eduLevel" /> <xs:enumeration value="resumeSource" /> <xs:enumeration value="dateLastUpdated" /> <xs:enumeration value="locByCity" /> <xs:enumeration value="locByState" /> <xs:enumeration value="locByCounty" /> <xs:enumeration value="locByRegion" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:complexType name="VariationType"> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base="xs:string"> <xs:attribute name="Total" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="required" /> <xs:attribute name="Matching" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="required" /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name="Monster"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="Report" type="ReportType" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> </xs:schema>
Appendix C - Example Query Results
Example of Education Level Report Results
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Monster> <Report Total="14" Matching="12" Status="0"> <ReportSets> <ReportSet Name="eduLevel"> <Variations> <Variation Total="6" Matching="6">Bachelors Degree</Variation> <Variation Total="2" Matching="2">Associate Degree</Variation> <Variation Total="2" Matching="2">Masters Degree</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">Doctorate</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">Some College Coursework Completed</Variation> </Variations> </ReportSet> </ReportSets> </Report> </Monster>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Monster> <Report Total="14" Matching="12" Status="0"> <ReportSets> <ReportSet Name="skill"> <Variations> <Variation Total="6" Matching="6">Customer Service</Variation> <Variation Total="2" Matching="2">Marketing</Variation> <Variation Total="2" Matching="2">Sales</Variation> <Variation Total="2" Matching="2">Finance</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">Sales Analysis</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">Regional Sales</Variation> </Variations> </ReportSet> </ReportSets> </Report> </Monster>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <Monster> <Report Total="67" Matching="56" Status="0"> <ReportSets> <ReportSet Name="locByCity"> <Variations> <Variation Total="2" Matching="2">Fort Lauderdale, Florida</Variation> <Variation Total="2" Matching="2">Webster, New York</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">Akron, Ohio</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">Ashville, Ohio</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">Belleville, New Jersey</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">Birmingham, Alabama</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">Brighton, Tennessee</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">Brooklyn, New York</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">Buffalo, New York</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">Burlington, Massachusetts</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">Cary, North Carolina</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">Centreville, Virginia</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">Chicago, Illinois</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">Christiana, Pennsylvania</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">Fortville, Indiana</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">Houston, Texas</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">Howard, Ohio</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">Indianapolis, Indiana</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">Manassas, Virginia</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">Milford, New Hampshire</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">Milford, New Jersey</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">Orlando, Florida</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">Palm City, Florida</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">Phoenix, Arizona</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">Plano, Texas</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">Rancho Cucamonga, California</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">Richardson, Texas</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">Rochester, New York</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">Simpsonville, South Carolina</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">South Hadley, Massachusetts</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">Waukesha, Wisconsin</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">Whittier, California</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">Windsor, Connecticut</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">Woburn, Massachusetts</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">Wylie, Texas</Variation> </Variations> </ReportSet> </ReportSets> </Report> </Monster>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <Monster> <Report Total="67" Matching="56" Status="0"> <ReportSets> <ReportSet Name="locByState"> <Variations> <Variation Total="8" Matching="8">Florida</Variation> <Variation Total="5" Matching="5">New York</Variation> <Variation Total="5" Matching="5">Texas</Variation> <Variation Total="4" Matching="4">Massachusetts</Variation> <Variation Total="3" Matching="3">California</Variation> <Variation Total="3" Matching="3">New Jersey</Variation> <Variation Total="3" Matching="3">Ohio</Variation> <Variation Total="3" Matching="3">Pennsylvania</Variation> <Variation Total="3" Matching="3">Virginia</Variation> <Variation Total="2" Matching="2">Illinois</Variation> <Variation Total="2" Matching="2">Indiana</Variation> <Variation Total="2" Matching="2">North Carolina</Variation> <Variation Total="2" Matching="2">Tennessee</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">Alabama</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">Arizona</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">Colorado</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">Connecticut</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">Missouri</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">New Hampshire</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">South Carolina</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">Utah</Variation> <Variation Total="1" Matching="1">Wisconsin</Variation> </Variations> </ReportSet> </ReportSets> </Report> </Monster>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <Monster> <Report Total="67" Matching="56" Status="0"> <ReportSets> <ReportSet Name="resumeSource"> <Variations> <Variation Total="57" Matching="56">Monster<';/Variation> </Variations> </ReportSet> </ReportSets> </Report> </Monster>