Power Resume Search (Semantic) Query Parameters


Technical Overview

Monster's semantic resume search service is accessible via an HTTP interface. The search results are returned as an XML document. The URL https://prsx.monster.com/query.ashx handles requests to the semantic resume search service.

Please review these guides for best practices in using Monster's Power Resume Search:



Input Parameters

Parameter Format

All input parameters should be sent using HTTP GET. Care should be taken to URL-encode all parameters correctly. Malformed parameters will be misinterpreted and may give rise to unexpected results or an error 

Search URL Encoding Instructions

Encoding standard for all parameters is: UE(UE(val1),UE(val2),UE(val3))

Encoding standard for all parameters with importance (required (req)/nice to have (nth)) specified: UE(UE(val1),UE(val2) req,UE(val3) nth)

Special cases still follow the general rule:
  • Single value (e.g. candidate name): UE(UE(val))
  • IDs, Booleans, other values which do not require encoding: UE(UE(id1),UE(id2),UE(id3)) = UE(id1,id2,id3)


The following is an example call to access Power Resume Search: https://prsx.monster.com/query.ashx?&ver=2.0&cat=[your cat]

ver (Version number, Required)


CAT (access ticket, Required)

The cat parameter is required for PRSX and is provided by Monster. A CAT is case-sensitive and should be supplied in its entirety. It is valid only under the terms and conditions of your contract with Monster. Restrictions may include, but are not limited to, IP address, date range and access to specific search functionality.

TAKE NOTE: Job Title and Skills are key items to utilize the semantic search functionality. See above for links to best practices using this type of search.

jt (Job title)

The jt parameter allows a recruiter to search for seekers based on the job title. Several titles may be used in the search by submitting a comma-delimited list.

jt= programmer%2Cdeveloper (%2C is a url-encoded comma.)

sk (Skill)

The sk parameter allows a recruiter to search for seekers based on the job skill description. Several skill descriptions may be used in the search by submitting a comma-delimited list. This parameter allows specification of criterion requirement level (nice to have/ required).

sk=c%252b%252b+req%2cjava%2520beans+nth ( url-encoding explained: UE(UE(c++) req,UE(java beans) nth) )

loc (Location)

The loc parameter restricts search results to resumes for a particular location with a radius specified. It should be double-URL-encoded.

loc=Boston-20 (search within 20 miles radius around Boston)
loc=Portland%252C%2520OR (This is UE(UE("Portland, OR")).)

Optional Parameters

sechid (search engine channel (when different from CAT channel)

If the search is being performed in a country (channel id=1234) other than the default country where the CAT is issued for that customer, you would append &sechid=1234 to the search.

clvid (career level ID)

The clvid parameter allows a recruiter to search for seekers based on the Career Level ID. The possible values are as follows:

Career Level ID   Meaning
1                             President
2                             Executive Level
3                             General Manager
4                             Vice President
5                             Director
6                             Head
7                             Manager
8                             Lead
9                             Other
10                           Analyst
11                           Representative
12                           Specialist
13                           Clerk
14                           Coordinator
15                           Assistant

For example:

cname (Candidate name)

The cname parameter allows a recruiter to search for seekers based on the candidate's name. For example:
cname=candidate_name (subject to url-double-encoding.)

comp (Company name)

The comp parameter allows a recruiter to search for seekers based on the companies that have employed them. If used in conjunction with the job title, they must have held that job title at one of the specified companies. For example:
comp=Monster%2520Worldwide%252cGoogle (%2520 is space url-encoded twice, and %252c is a comma).)

sch (School name)

The sch parameter allows a recruiter to search for seekers that have attended a specific school. Several school names may be used in the search by submitting a comma-delimited list. For example:
sch= Harvard%252CYale (%252C is a double-url-encoded comma.)

page (Page number)

The page parameter indicates which page of results to return. The default is 1, which will return the first page of results.

pagesize (Size of result pages)

The pagesize parameter indicates the maximum number of results to return per query. The default is 20, which will return 20 records at a time.

mdatemaxage (Modified date maximum age)

The mdatemaxage parameter restricts the search to resumes that have been modified or reactivated within the specified number of minutes.
TIP: Use 1440 for one day, 10080 for one week, 525600 for one year etc.

mdateminage (Modified date minimum age)

The mdateminage parameter restricts the search to resumes that have been modified or reactivated from the specified number of minutes. When this parameter is used it requires that the mdatemaxage parameter also be included in the query.
TIP: Use 1440 for one day, 10080 for one week, 525600 for one year etc.

minedulvid (Minimum Education Level ID)

The minedulvid parameter restricts the search to resumes that contain the supplied list of education levels. Possible values include:
Value Meaning
1 High School or equivalent
2 Certification
3 Vocational
4 Associate Degree
5 Bachelors Degree
6 Masters Degree
7 Doctorate
8 Professional
9 Some College Coursework Completed
12 Some High School Coursework

For localized values, please consult the toolkit:

rv (Resume Value)

The rv parameter is a multi-valued parameter that restricts the search to resumes with one or more of the supplied list of ResumeValues.

rb (Resume Board)

The rb parameter is a multi-valued parameter which restricts the search to resumes in the specified boards. The value(s) are IDs and may only be a subset of the resume boards to which the recruiter has access.

For example:
rb=1%2C6143 (%2C is a url-encoded comma.)

tjtid (Target Job Type ID)

The tjtid parameter, restricts the search to resumes with owners who have expressed an interest in working in a specified type of position. The possible values are as follows:

Target Job Type ID Meaning
1 Full Time
2 Part Time
3 Intern
4 Temp/Contract/Seasonal

For localized values, consult the toolkit:

relo (Relocate)

The relo parameter has the following possible values and meanings:
Value Meaning
false Show resumes where user is not willing to relocate for employment
true Show resumes where user is willing to relocate for employment

wa (Work Authorization)

The wa parameter is a compound, multi-valued parameter that restricts the search to resumes containing one or more of the supplied list of work authorization statuses. This is a compound parameter with two components separated by a hyphen: CountryID (from Appendix A) and WorkStatusID (below). The possible values for WorkStatusID are as follows:

WorkStatus ID Meaning
1 Authorized to work for any employer
2 Authorized to work for current employer only
3 Require sponsorship

For localized versions, please use the ToolKit: http://integrations.monster.com/Toolkit/Enumeration/WorkAuthorization

For example, the query wa=164-1%252c160-1 will query for resumes with owners who are authorized to work in the US or the UK for any employer.

tsalcur (Target Salary Currency)

The tsalcur parameter restricts the search to resumes with desired salary in the currency supplied. The possible values are listed here: http://integrations.monster.com/Toolkit/Enumeration/Currency

For example:

tnsalmin (Target Normalized Salary Minimum)

The tnsalmin parameter restricts the search to resumes with desired normalized (annualized) salary greater than or equal to the supplied value. All salaries are rounded to the nearest thousand per year. The lowest minimum supported in the US is 30,000 per year. If the seeker leaves their minimum salary blank, the salary value in their resume will be ignored by tsalmin.

tnsalmax (Target Normalized Salary Maximum)

The tnsalmax parameter restricts the search to resumes with desired normalized (annualized) salary less than or equal to the supplied value. All salaries are rounded to the nearest thousand per year. If the seeker leaves their minimum salary blank, the salary value in their resume will be ignored by tsalmax.

tsni (Target salary not included)

The tsni parameter is a flag that indicates whether resumes that do not specify a target salary should be included in the search results (0: Do not include resumes, 1: Include resumes). This is only applicable when the tnsalmin and or the tnsalmax parameters are used.

edumjr (Education Major)

The edumjr parameter allows a user to restrict a query based on a seekers education major. One or more education majors may be specified and the resume must match one of the requested values.

ten (Job Tenure)

The ten parameter restricts the search to resumes with specified job tenure. The value is a number (of years) combined with one of the following operators. URLdouble-encoding is required.

Example Meaning Encoded form
">3" greater than 3 years ten=%25253E3
"<10" less than 10 years ten=%25253C10
"20+" 20 or more years ten=20%252B
"10-20" 10 to 20 years Authorized to work for any employer

wtt (Willingness to Travel)

The wtt parameter is an optional parameter that restricts the search to candidates percentage willingness to travel. The possible values are as follows:

wtt ID Meaning
1 No willing to travel
2 25% willing to travel
3 50% willing to travel
4 75% willing to travel
5 100% willing to travel

For Example: the following specifies up to 25% willing to travel:

yex (Years experience), yexf (required years experience)

The yex parameter is an optional parameter that focuses the search results on resumes with the specified overall years of experience. For Example: the following specifies 5 years of experience as a nice-to-have criterion:
yex=5 In countries that allow it, the yexf parameter is also available. Adding the “f” will limit the result set to candidates with the specified experience range, so it should be used with caution. It will reduce the result set considerably if not used with a range. Yexf =5 will return only candidates with 5.00 – 5.99 years of overall work experience.

Note: yexf should be enabled only after confirming that it is legal to do so in your country.

gsc (Global Security Clearance)

The gsc parameter is a compound, multi-valued parameter that restricts the search to resumes containing one or more Security Clearance for authorized employers. This is a compound parameter with two components separated by a hyphen: CountryID (from Appendix B) and SecurityClearanceID (below). The possible values for SecurityClearanceID are kept updated here:

Global Security Clearance search functionality requires an additional license. Please contact your Monster representative for more details.

co (Country)

The co parameter restricts search results to resumes for a particular country. These values are the country abbreviation for the particular country to search within.
To lookup country abbreviations please use the ToolKit: http://integrations.monster.com/Toolkit/LocationEnumeration/Valid/All

For example:
https://prsx.monster.com/query.ashx?ver=2.0&co=AU where AU is for Australia, CA is for Canada, UK is used for the UK, and etc.

lstat (Legal Status)

A comma-separated list of CountryID-LegalStatusID pairs. Restricts the search results to resumes with at least 1 of the specified statuses. Example:
CountryID is defined in Appendix B.
LegalStatusID is defined as follows: 1=Citizen, 2=Permanent Resident, 3=Other

veteran (Veteran Status)

Can be used to restrict the search results to candidates with or without veteran status. Example:
veteran=1 (return only candidates with veteran status) veteran=0 (return only candidates without veteran status)

Query Results

Query results are returned as an XML document defined by the schema found here: https://schemas.monster.com/Current/XSD/Search/PRSXQueryResults-2.0.XSD

(Click to Appendix A - Monster Country ID List
Country ID
Afghanistan 1
Albania 2
Algeria 3
Andorra 4
Angola 5
Anguilla 176
Antartica 177
Antigua and Barbuda 175
Argentina 6
Armenia 7
Aruba 179
Australia 8
Austria 9
Azerbaidjan 10
Bahamas 11
Bahrain 12
Bangladesh 13
Barbados 14
Belarus 15
Belgium 16
Belize 17
Benin 18
Bermuda 19
Bhutan 20
Bolivia 21
Bosnia-Herzegovina 22
Botswana 23
Bouvet Island 181
Brazil 24
British Indian Ocean Territory 201
Brunei Darussalam 180
Bulgaria 25
Burkina Faso 26
Burundi 27
Cambodia 28
Cameroon 29
Canada 30
Cape Verde 31
Cayman Islands 32
Central African Republic 33
Chad 34
Chile 35
China 36
Christmas Island 185
Cocos (Keeling) Islands 182
Colombia 37
Comoros 204
Congo 38
Cook Islands 183
Costa Rica 39
Croatia 40
Cuba 184
Cyprus 41
Czech Republic 42
Democratic Republic of Congo 172
Denmark 43
Djibouti 44
Dominica 186
Dominican Republic 187
East Timor 233
Ecuador 45
Egypt 46
El Salvador 47
Equatorial Guinea 48
Eritrea 49
Estonia 50
Ethiopia 51
Falkland Islands 189
Faroe Islands 191
Fiji 52
Finland 53
Former USSR 228
France 54
France (European Territory) 55
French Guyana 193
French Southern Territories 230
Gabon 56
Gambia 57
Georgia 58
Germany 59
Country ID
Ghana 60
Gibraltar 194
Greece 61
Greenland 195
Grenada 192
Guadeloupe (French) 196
Guatemala 198
Guinea 63
Guinea Bissau 64
Guyana 65
Haiti 200
Heard and McDonald Islands 199
Honduras 66
Hong Kong 67
Hungary 68
Iceland 69
India 70
Indonesia 71
Iran 72
Iraq 73
Ireland 74
Israel 75
Italy 76
Ivory Coast 77
Jamaica 202
Japan 78
Jordan 79
Kazakhstan 80
Kenya 81
Kiribati 203
Kuwait 82
Kyrgyzstan 83
Laos 84
Latvia 85
Lebanon 86
Lesotho 87
Liberia 88
Libya 89
Liechtenstein 90
Lithuania 91
Luxembourg 92
Macau 208
Macedonia 93
Madagascar 94
Malawi 95
Malaysia 96
Maldives 97
Mali 98
Malta 99
Marshall Islands 207
Martinique (French) 210
Mauritania 100
Mauritius 212
Mayotte 241
Mexico 101
Micronesia 190
Moldavia 102
Monaco 103
Mongolia 104
Montserrat 211
Morocco 105
Mozambique 106
Myanmar, Union of (Burma) 242
Namibia 107
Nauru 215
Nepal 108
Netherlands 109
Netherlands Antilles 110
Neutral Zone 216
New Caledonia (French) 213
New Zealand 111
Nicaragua 112
Niger 113
Nigeria 114
Niue 217
Norfolk Island 214
North Korea 115
Northern Mariana Islands 209
Norway 116
Oman 117
Country ID
Pakistan 118
Palau 222
Panama 119
Papua New Guinea 219
Paraguay 120
Peru 121
Philippines 122
Pitcairn Island 221
Poland 123
Polynesia (French) 218
Portugal 124
Qatar 126
Reunion (French) 127
Romania 128
Russian Federation 129
Rwanda 130
S. Georgia & S.
Sandwich Islands
Saint Helena 224
Saint Kitts & Nevis Anguilla 205
Saint Lucia 206
Saint Pierre and Miquelon 220
Saint Tome and Principe 131
Saint Vincent & Grenadines 237
Samoa 132
San Marino 227
Saudi Arabia 133
Senegal 134
Seychelles 135
Sierra Leone 136
Singapore 137
Slovakia 138
Slovenia 139
Solomon Islands 223
Somalia 140
South Africa 141
South Korea 142
Spain 143
Sri Lanka 144
Sudan 145
Suriname 146
Svalbard and Jan
Mayen Islands
Swaziland 147
Sweden 148
Switzerland 149
Syria 150
Tadjikistan 151
Taiwan 152
Tanzania 153
Thailand 154
Togo 155
Tokelau 231
Tonga 232
Trinidad and Tobago 234
Tunisia 156
Turkey 157
Turkmenistan 158
Turks and Caicos Islands 229
Tuvalu 235
Uganda 159
Ukraine 161
United Arab Emirates 162
United Kingdom 160
Uruguay 163
US 164
USA Minor Outlying Islands 236
Uzbekistan 165
Vanuatu 239
Vatican City 166
Venezuela 167
Vietnam 168
Virgin Islands (British) 169
Virgin Islands (USA) 238
Wallis and Futuna Islands 240
Western Sahara 188
Yemen 170
Yugoslavia 171
Zambia 173
Zimbabwe 174